appointed; to receive a stated salary in lieu of fees,
5 per cent. on the articles manufactured,
The keeper to appoint a suitable number
of deputies
and assistants on stated salaries,
The keeper to give bond, with two
securities, to be
approved by the governor and council, conditioned
that he and his deputies shall faithfully perform the
The governor and council directed
to appoint twelve
inspectors of the said penitentiary, annually in December,
Penalty on their refusal to serve after acceptance,
The inspectors (seven of whom shall
be a quorum) to
meet once in every three months, and may be specially
convened by the keeper when occasion may require,
They shall at each quarterly meeting appoint two
of their number to be acting inspectors, who shall attend
once a week and examine into and inspect the
conduct of the keeper, &c.
The inspectors to make orders and
Penalty on the keeper or his deputies,
or resisting the said inspectors, &c.
The governor to be considered as one
inspector in
addition, when he shall think proper to act,
A physician to be appointed annually
by the inspectors,
A reasonable compensation to be allowed
to him,
The keeper empowered to punish prisoners
of assaults, cursing, idleness, &c. by confinement
the solitary cells, and on bread and water,
If a prisoner shall be guilty of any
offence not punishable
by the keeper, he shall report the same to the
inspectors, who may order the punishment of whipping,
or close confinement,
Penalty on the keeper or other person
spirituous liquors, &c.
Stock and materials, working tools
and implements,
to be provided; reports thereof to be made to the governor
and council,
Contract may be made for the cloathing,
diet, &c.
and for the implements, and the sale of goods there
wrought and manufactured,
Every inspector and keeper to take
an oath that he
will not receive any profits on any agency for supplying
the penitentiary, &c.
The keeper to cause accounts to be
entered regularly,
concerning the maintenance of the convicts, and
the stock, materials and sales, to be examined by the
If the inspectors shall suspect fraud,
&c. in any account,
they may examine the keeper, &c. on oath, and
if any fraud shall appear, the particulars shall be reported
to the governor and council,
The Baltimore criminal court to charge
the grand
jury at every term to inquire into the conduct of the
keeper, and to direct a number, not exceeding six, to
visit and examine the penitentiary,
The executive directed annually, during
the first
week of the session, to lay before the general assembly
a statement of the expenses, profits, loss, progress,
If the keeper shall be guilty of fraud
or misconduct,
the governor and council shall immediately remove
him, and cause suits to be brought on his bond, and
appoint another in his place,
Regulations concerning the admission
of visitors,
security of the doors, extinguishing lights, watchmen,
&c. |
Session. Ch. S.
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