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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 2385   View pdf image (33K)
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            INDEX TO THE LAWS.

    For each judicial district.  See District Attornies.

    Deeds before acknowledged by the attorney in his
own name, declared valid,
—Deeds which might thereafter be so acknowledged,
declared valid, if otherwise according to law,
    Where the grantor shall be out of the state the deed
may be acknowledged by letter of attorney proved as
therein directed,
—Where out of the state the deed may be acknowledged
in the manner heretofore prescribed, or by letter
of attorney,
—Manner of proving the letter of attorney,
—The letter, with the proof, to be recorded in the
court of appeals, or the county court where the lands

    Of Anne-Arundel county, money to be levied for his

    Penalty on their selling any arms, &c. where there
is reason to believe they are the property of the state,

    To furnish statements to the governor and council,
when required, of balances due to the state,
    Directions in cases where the registers of wills, or
other persons, had been appointed auditors to ascertain
the sum due under the testamentary law,
    The auditor of the state exempted in part from militia
    Auditors to be appointed by the county courts in the
exercise of equity jurisdiction,
—Their oath, powers, and allowance; to be taxed
in the bill of costs,

    Value of the lands in Allegany and Washington
counties established,

    In all actions founded on the act to regulate the inspection
of tobacco, special bail may be awarded on affidavit,
    Fees allowed to justices of the peace for taking bail
pieces, which are to be prepared by them,
    Recognizances of special bail directed to be returned
to the county courts, and to be valid as if returned
to the former courts,
    Bail bonds taken, or to be taken, before the promulgation
of this act, to be valid to compel the appearance
of the defendants, &c. as before,
    Bail to be required in actions for the recovery of a
penalty, or for assault, &c. for pulling down obstructions
or nuisances in the river Potomac,
    Power given to the criminal court of Baltimore, or
the chief judge, to admit to bail, &c.
    See Habeas Corpus.
    Recognizance may be taken for appearance on return
of a habeas corpus, unless for an offence not bailable by
    Persons committed for treason or felony, and not indicted
the first term, (unless witnesses are absent,) to
be set at liberty, on bail,
    For all actions of trespass quare clausum fregit, the
court may, on an affidavit of the plaintiff, or other evidence
that the defendant is not a citizen or is not a resident
of the state, award special bail,

Session.  Ch. S.

  1807        52    2

 ——        —    5

 ——      154 1-2

  1813      104    1
 ——        —    2

 ——        —    3

  1818        29

  1818      182  49

  1802      100    1
 ——       101    1
  1804        78
  1811      182    1
June 1812   9    2

  1814        94    4

 ——        — —

  1812      191  37

  1801        63  43

 ——    74  30-31

  1805        65  34

 ——        —  35

  1806        9      5

  1808      113    1

  1809      125    2

 ——        —    7

  1812        94


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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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