CHAP. 228. |
person from the muster roll of his company, who does not comply
with the provisions of this section, and report him forthwith to the
commanding officer of the regimental district where he resides, under
a penalty, for neglect or refusal, not exceeding twenty dollars,
to be imposed in the discretion of such court martial as the case may
require. |
Companies must
have ____ |
39. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no uniformed volunteer
infantry, or rifle company, shall continue, which has not at least
forty-eight men completely uniformed and equipt; and an uniformed
volunteer cavalry company shall continue which has not at least
thirty men completely uniformed and equipt; and if, from the returns,
or other good authority, the commanding officer of either of
the said brigades, shall at any time suspect that any company in
his brigade has not such complement, he shall investigate, or cause
the fact to be investigated; and if it shall be established to his satisfaction
that said company has not the requisite number of men,
he shall forthwith report the same to the governor and council, who
shall thereupon revoke the commissions of said company; and the
commanding officers of the regiment, or extra battalion, to which
such company was attached, shall within ten days after such revocation,
transmit a list of the names of the members of said company
to each of the commanding officers of the regimental districts
within the brigades, who shall forthwith cause the same to be delivered
to their respective officers commanding company districts,
with an order to enrol such as reside within their district; and if
either of the said officers shall neglect or refuse to comply with the
provisions of this section, he shall be fined, not exceeding fifty dollars,
in the discretion of such court martial as the case may require;
and no cavalry uniformed company shall consist of more than sixty
men; no rifle uniformed volunteer company shall consist of more
than one hundred men; no artillery uniformed volunteer company
of more than ninety men; and no infantry uniformed volunteer company
of more than one hundred men, exclusive of the commissioned
officers of each. |
Certificates of
membership. |
40. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all certificates
of membership issued
by the commanding officers of uniformed volunteer companies
shall be signed by the said commanding officer and one of his commissioned
officers, and said certificates shall be delivered on or before the
first day of March in each year to such persons as may then compose
his company, and to such as may join thereafter, upon the day
of their becoming members, and all such certificates shall be respected
by the officers commanding company districts, as well as
courts martial held for the trial of absentees from parade from their
date, and for the period for which they were given, unless sooner
revoked by the commanding officer of said company; and if any
commissioned officer shall issue such certificate to any person, who
is not entitled under the provisions of this act to receive the same,
he shall be cashiered or fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, in
the discretion of such court martial as the case may require; and if
any person shall give such certificate, who is not authorised to do
so by the provisions of this act, such person shall forfeit and pay
the sum of fifty dollars, the recovery of which shall be directed by
any officer discovering the same. |