35. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the brigadier generals
of the said
brigades, with such other officers as they may select, one of whom
shall be taken from the cavalry, riflemen, artillery, and infantry,
or a majority of them shall, on or before the first day of
April next, devise and establish a complete uniform for the different
commissioned and staff officers, and for the non-commissioned officers,
privates and musicians, of cavalry, riflemen, artillery and infantry,
respectively, of the said brigades, and shall submit the same
to the governor of the state, and the major general commanding the
division, for their revision and approbation; and such uniform, if
approved by them, shall be established for the said brigades; and
in case either of the brigadiers,, or of the officers so selected,
shall neglect or refuse to execute the provisions of this section, he
or they shall be fined, not exceeding one hundred dollars, in the
discretion of such court martial as the case may require. |
CHAP. 228.
Uniform to be established. |
36. AND BE IT ENACTED, That all volunteer
and district companies
that may hereafter be uniformed, shall adopt the uniform of
the brigades to be established under this act; and the brigadier generals,
the field and staff officers, the company district officers, and
all the uniformed volunteer and district companies, who at present
have a different uniform, shall within four years adopt the uniform
of the brigades which shall be established under this act; and if any
officer shall neglect or refuse to uniform agreeably to the provisions
of this section, he shall be cashiered, or fined not exceeding fifty
dollars, and a further sum of fifty dollars for the like neglect for
every succeeding parade, in the discretion of such court martial as
the case may require; and the commanding officer of any such company
shall forthwith erase from a muster roll the name of each
member who shall neglect or refuse to adopt such uniform, within
the time herein specified, and hand his name over to the commanding
officer of the regimental district in which he resides, to be enrolled,
under a penalty not exceeding twenty dollars, to be imposed
by such court martial as the case may require. |
—must be
adopted. |
37. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each general,
field or staff officer,
or district company officer, holding a commission, and not uniformed,
who shall not within three months after the passage of this act;
and each general, field or staff officer, or district company officer,
who may hereafter be appointed under this act, and accepting the
same, who shall not within twenty days after such acceptance, arm,
accoutre, and provide himself with the uniform of the brigade established
under this act, if a company officer, he shall be cashiered or
fined not exceeding twenty dollars, in the discretion of such court
martial as the case may require, for such neglect, and a further sum
of not exceeding twenty dollars for the like neglect for every succeeding
parade, and if a general, field, or staff officer, he shall be
cashiered, or fined not exceeding fifty dollars, in the discretion of
such court martial as the case may require, for such neglect, and
a further sum of not exceeding fifty dollars for the like neglect, for
every succeeding parade. |
Officers to arm
and accoutre
themselves. |
38. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no person shall
be allowed to
continue a member of an uniformed volunteer company who does
not uniform himself on or before the first day of May next, or within
thirty days after he becomes a member of the said company; and
the commanding officer of such company shall erase the name of each |
Members must
conform or be dismissed. |