41. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commanding
officer of each
company shall appoint and dismiss, at his pleasure, his non-commissioned
officers, and if any person so appointed, having accepted of
such appointment, shall neglect to do the duties thereof, or refuse
or neglect to obey the orders of his superior officers, he shall forfeit
and pay a sum not less than one dollar nor exceeding ten dollars,
in the discretion of such court martial as the case may require. |
CHAP. 228.
officers to be appointed. |
42. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any field or
other commissioned
officer shall be guilty of any breach of orders, or shall at any
brigade, regimental, extra battalion, or company meeting,
or on any other occasion when the brigade, regiment, extra
battalion, battalion or company, to which he may belong, or in or
over which he holds a command, is paraded, or on duty, as prescribed
in this act, or in the by laws of any company, shall misbehave,
demean himself, or appear in an unofficer like manner, he
shall, for such offence, be cashiered, suspended, reprimanded, or
punished by fine, in the discretion of such court martial as the
case may require, not exceeding one hundred dollars, nor less than
five dollars; and that the proceedings of every court martial in
case of cashiering, shall be transmitted to the commander in chief
for his approbation or disapprobation; and if any non-commissioned
officer, private or musician, shall at the time of parading the
company, (as directed by this act, or in the by-laws of the company
to which he belongs,) appear drunk, or disobey orders, or use
any reproachful, insulting, or abusive language, to his officers, or
any of them, or shall quarrel himself, or promote any quarrel
among his fellow soldiers, or interrupt them in the discharge of
their duty, he may be disarmed, and put under guard, by order of
the commanding officer, until the company is dismissed, and shall
be fined, at the discretion of such court martial as the case may
require, a sum not exceeding twenty dollars; and if on field days,
or when the brigade, regiment, or extra battalion, is paraded, any
non-commissioned officer, private or musician, shall use any reproachful
or insulting language to the commanding officer, oppose
his orders, or promote an opposition to such orders among his fellow
soldiers, he shall be disarmed and put under guard during such
parade, and he shall be tried by a court martial, chosen by the
commanding officer, consisting of three commissioned officers, attached
to the regiment or extra battalion to which such offender belongs,
and he shall be fined a sum not exceeding fifty dollars, in
the discretion of said court. |
Punishment for
officer misbehaving,
&c. |
43. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any by-stander
shall interrupt,
molest or insult, any officer or soldier while on duty, at any time
as required by this act or the by-laws of any company, the commanding
officer, at the time of such offence, may cause the offender
to be confined for the day, and he shall also be fined not exceeding
fifty dollars, in the discretion of a court martial to be appointed
by such officer, to consist of three members, one of whom at least
shall be a commissioned officer, which court shall proceed on such
trial in the like manner as other courts martial for imposing fines
under this act; and if the like misconduct shall take place before any
court of inquiry, or court martial, towards any officer or soldier,
or other person required to attend such court, or towards such court,
or any member thereof, the said court of inquiry, or court martial, |
By-standers may
be punished for
offending, &c. |