CHAP. 228. |
herein before made, or any which may be hereafter made, shall not
impair the privileges of uniformed volunteer corps, as herein after
granted. |
Enrolment of
company districts. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of every
commanding officer of a company district, attended by one or more
of his commissioned officers, to enrol between the first days of
March and April in each year, every able bodied male white citizen
between eighteen and forty-five years of age, liable to do militia
duty, and if either of the said officers shall refuse or neglect to
comply therewith, he shall be cashiered or fined not exceeding one
hundred dollars in the discretion of such court martial as the case
may require; and in all cases of doubt respecting the age of any
person enrolled, on intended to be enrolled, the person whose age
is questioned, shall prove the same to the satisfaction of the commanding
officer aforesaid; and if any person called on to be enrolled,
shall refuse to declare his true name and age, to the best of
his knowledge, or the name of any person, an inhabitant of his
house liable to militia duty with whom he is acquainted, he shall
for each offence forfeit and pay the sum of ten dollars, to be recovered
under the direction of said commanding officer. |
Parades established. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the militia composing
the said brigades,
shall assemble for militia duty on the days hereinafter mentioned,
and as herein directed, viz. the cavalry, on the second
Monday in April, second Monday in May, second Monday in June,
twelfth of September, first Monday in October, and first Monday
in November. The first regiment of artillery, on the second Tuesday
in April, on the second Tuesday in may, second Tuesday
in June, twelfth of September, first Tuesday in October, and first
Tuesday in November. The fifth regiment on the second Wednesday
in April, second Wednesday in May, second Wednesday in
June, twelfth of September, first Wednesday in October, and first
Wednesday in November. The sixth regiment, on the second
Thursday in April, second Thursday in May, second Thursday in
June, twelfth of September, first Thursday in October, and first
Thursday in November. The twenty-seventh regiment, on the second
Friday in April, second Friday in May, second Friday in
June, twelfth of September, first Friday in October, and first Friday
in November. The first rifle battalion, on the third Monday
in April, third Monday in May, third Monday in June, twelfth of
September, second Monday in October, second Monday in November.
The second regiment of artillery on the third Tuesday
in April, third Tuesday in May, third Tuesday in June, twelfth
of September, second Tuesday in October, and second Tuesday in
November. The thirty-ninth regiment, on the third Wednesday in
April, third Wednesday in May, third Wednesday in June, twelfth of
of September, second Wednesday in October, and second Wednesday
in November. The fifty-first regiment, on the third Thursday in
April, third Thursday in May, third Thursday in June, twelfth of
September, second Thursday in October, and second Thursday in
November. The fifty-second regiment, on the third Friday in
April, third Friday in May, third Friday in June, twelfth of September,
second Friday in October, and second Friday in November.
The second extra battalion of riflemen, on the third Saturday
in April, third Saturday in May, third Saturday in June, twelfth |