7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That this act shall be
given in charge
to the grand jury of the aforesaid county courts at the beginning
of every term; Provided, that nothing herein contained shall be
construed to extend to negroes or mulattoes employed as wagoners,
or travellers putting up or stopping whilst travelling through said
counties. |
CHAP. 226.
Act to be given in
charge to grand
juries. |
An Act for the better regulation of the Militia of the City of Baltimore.
Lib. TH. No. 6, fol. 172. |
Passed Feb. 16, 1818. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the inhabitants within the limits of the city of Baltimore, liable to
militia duty under the laws of this state, shall be and are hereby
formed into two brigades; and a line drawn from the north side of
the Basin and extending north along the middle of Calvert-street
to the extent of the said limits, shall be the division line between
the said brigades. |
formed into brigades. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the first regiment
of artillery
shall be and hereby is divided, and with the addition of two uniformed
volunteer companies which are hereby authorised to be
raised, shall form the two regiments of artillery, to consist of six
companies each, and the six eldest companies in rank shall form
the first regiment, and the six youngest companies in rank shall
form the second regiment, and each regiment shall consist of two
battalions, with the usual field and staff officers. |
Artillery divided
into two regiments. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That a new regiment
of infantry to be
called the fifty-second regiment, shall be and is hereby formed,
with the usual field and staff officers. |
52d regiment
formed. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the third brigade
shall consist of
the fifth, sixth and twenty-seventh regiments of infantry, the first
regiment of artillery, the first extra battalion of riflemen, and the
fifth regiment of cavalry, and the districts composing said brigade
shall be all that part of the limits of the said city on the north of
the Basin and to the east of said dividing line; and the thirty-ninth,
fifty-first and fifty-second regiments of infantry, the second
regiment of artillery, shall be, and they are hereby formed into a
new brigade to be called the fourteenth brigade, to be commanded
by a brigadier general with the usual field and staff officers, and
the districts composing said brigade, shall be all that part of the
limits of the said city on the south side of the Basin, and to the
west of the said dividing line, to which brigade there shall be attached
an extra battalion of riflemen to be called the second battalion
of riflemen, and to consist of four companies to be commanded
by a major and the proper complement of officers, and that persons
residing within any part of the city of Baltimore may be enrolled
in the said companies. |
limits. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the brigadier generals
of the
said brigades, together with the field officers thereof, or a majority
of them, be and they are authorised to review the division of the
said brigades herein made, and to alter the said division whenever
it shall appear necessary to them and proper to be done, and such
alterations shall be forthwith made public by brigade orders, and
by the said brigadier generals be returned to the adjutant general's
office, to be there preserved; Provided however, that the division |
—may be otherwise
Proviso. |