of September, second Saturday in October, and second Saturday
in November. And the first, second and sixth parades as herein
established, respectively, shall be considered as company parades;
the third as battalion parades; the fourth as brigade parades; and
the fifth as regimental and extra battalion parades; and the said
several company and battalion parades, shall be at two o'clock P.
M. and the said regimental, extra battalion, and brigade meetings,
at eight o'clock in the forenoon in each year, unless prevented by
the badness of weather, or the twelfth of September happening on
Sunday; in either case the brigades thereby prevented, shall take
place at the same hours respectively, on such other days as the commanding
officer of the brigade, regiment or extra battalion so prevented,
shall from time to time order and appoint; of which three
days public notice shall be given by such commanding officer, in
three or more newspapers of the city of Baltimore, and such notice
shall be deemed sufficient; and the courts martial instituted for
the trial of non commissioned officers, privates and musicians, as
absentees from parade, shall be held on the second Monday after
each parade herein directed, at the place and time which shall have
been previously established by the commanding officer of each regiment,
or extra battalion respectively, as herein after provided. |
CHAP. 228. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of the commanding
officer of each company district, at the time of the making
the enrolment aforesaid, to deliver to each person, or leave at his
a printed notification signed by said officer, and directed to
said person, setting forth the enrolment, and stating the times and
places of parade, throughout the year, as established by this act, as
well as the times and places of holding the courts martial for the
trial of absentees from parades; and it shall be the duty of the said
commanding officer, to cause the said enrolment to be entered on
his company book, and make a true return of the same in writing
between the first and tenth of April in each year to the commanding
officer of his regiment or extra battalion, under a penalty to be
imposed by such court martial as the case may require, of not less
than five nor more than fifty dollars, for any neglect of the duties
prescribed by this section; and the commanding officer of each volunteer
uniformed company shall notify the members of the company
of the times and places of parade, and of the times and places of
holding courts martial throughout the year, established as aforesaid,
by causing to be delivered to them, or left at their place of
abode, on or before the first day of April in each year, a printed
notification, setting forth the same, or in such other manner as the
by-laws of said company may direct; and he shall make return in
each year, of the persons belonging to his company, at the time
and in the manner as company district officers are directed to do in
the preceding part of this section, under the like penalty. |
Notice of parade
and courts martial
to be served. |
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no persons enrolled
in either of the
said brigades, shall be excused from militia duty on account of corporal
disability, unless he produces to the commanding officer of the
regiment or extra battalion, within whose district he shall reside, a
certificate of the surgeon of such regiment, or extra battalion, if
any, and if not, of some practising physician of the city of Baltimore,
stating that he has carefully examined such person, and that
he is, in the opinion of said surgeon or physician, incapable of |
Exempt. |