persons whatsoever, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; provided,
the before proposing the said scheme or schemes, the persons
aforesaid, or such of them as may undertake to act under this
law, shall execute and lodge in the office of the clerk of Baltimore
county, their joint and several bond to the state of Maryland, in
the penalty of twenty thousand dollars, with a condition that they
well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, within three months
after the drawing of said lottery, to the fortunate adventurers, such
prizes, if demanded, as may be drawn by them, with such deduction
from said prizes as shall be mentioned in the said scheme or
schemes to be proposed as aforesaid, and shall well and truly pay
the surplus as hereinafter directed; which said bond shall be liable
to be put in suit for the use of any person or persons who may be
injured by a breach of the condition thereof. |
CHAP. 186. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the persons aforesaid,
or such of
them as may undertake to act as aforesaid, or a majority of them,
shall and they are hereby directed, to pay over to Charles Walker,
John Tolly Worthington, Kinsey Johns and Charles Worthington,
within three months after the drawing the said lottery or lotteries,
the balance remaining in their hands, after paying the prizes and
necessary expenses attending the drawing of the lottery or lotteries
aforesaid. |
Proceed to be
paid over. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said Charles
Walker, John
Tolly Worthington, Kinsey Johns and Charles Worthington, shall
and they are hereby authorised and directed, to apply the said
balance towards the building and completing a Protestant Episcopal
church in Baltimore county, at or near the junction of the two
public roads near the mouth of Charles Walker's lane. |
How to be applied. |
An Act for the relief of Theodore Weems, of Anne-Arundel county
Lib. TH. No. 5, fol. 65. |
Passed Jan. 27, 1816. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the judges, or any judge of Anne-Arundel county court, be and
they, or any one of them, either in open court or in the recess of
said court, are hereby authorised and directed to extend to Theodore
Weems, of the county aforesaid, the benefit of the act of
assembly, passed at November session eighteen hundred and five,*
entitled, An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the
several supplements thereto, without requiring the said Theodore
Weems to produce the assent in writing of so many of his creditors
as have due to them two thirds in amount of the debts due by
him, as is prescribed by the provisions of the said act and supplements. |
Benefit of insolvent
laws extended
to him.
* Ch. 110. |
An Act to condemn a Lot in the City of Baltimore for a Street.
TH. No. 5, fol. 65. |
Passed Jan. 27, 1816. |
WHEREAS the chairman and trustees of the Baltimore
company, on behalf of the said company, have petitioned the general
assembly, that a lot in the city of Baltimore, beginning at the
north west corner of a lot lately belonging to Justus Hoppe, on |
Preamble. |