a third cents; for every four wheeled pleasure or travelling carriage
and two horses, eighty cents; horned cattle per head six and a fourth
cents; hogs and sheep per head two cents; for every sleigh and two
horses fifty cents; for every sleigh and one horse twenty-five cents;
for every cart and two oxen thirty-three and a third cents; which
rate of tolls shall at all times be made public and kept in some convenient
place for the inspection of travellers. |
CHAP. 33. |
10. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if the said president
and directors,
or their successors, or any person by their authority, shall
demand or receive any greater rates or tolls for passing said bridge
than are herein before allowed, or shall neglect to keep the said
bridge in good repair for the space of ten days at any one time, they
so offending shall, for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum
of thirty dollars, one half thereof for the use of Washington and
Berkeley counties respectively, and the other half for the use of the
person who may sue for the same; Provided, that no suit or action
shall be brought unless within sixty days after such offence shall be
committed. |
Penalty for receiving
greater tolls
than allowed by
this act.
Proviso. |
11. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said president
and directors
shall keep a just and true account of all monies received by their
several and respective collectors of tolls for crossing the said bridge,
and shall make and declare a dividend of the profits and income
thereof among all the stockholders, first deducting therefrom all
contingent costs and charges, and such proportions of the said income
as they may deem necessary to provided against the decay and
for repairing the said bridge, and shall on every first Monday in
June and January in every year, publish the dividend to be made
of the said clear profits thereof among the stockholders, and of the
time and place where and when the same shall be paid, and shall
cause the same to be paid accordingly. |
Account to be kept
of monies received
by collectors of
tolls. |
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person
or persons shall
wilfully, or without the orders of the said president and directors,
pull down, break or destroy, with intent to injure any part or parts
of the said bridge, or of any abutment, pier or piers, or of any of
the toll-houses, grates, bars or other property of the said corporation,
appertenant to or erected or made for the use and convenience
of the said bridge, or the persons employed in conducting the
business thereof, or shall wilfully without the orders and consent
of the said corporation, or any person or persons authorised by them,
obliterate, deface or destroy, the letters, figures or other characters,
in any written or printed list of the rates or tolls affixed, or to be
in any place or places for the information of passengers, and others,
or who shall wilfully and maliciously obstruct or impede the passage
on or over the said bridge, or any part or parts thereof, he, she or
they, so offending, shall, and each of them shall, forfeit and pay
to the said president, directors and company, not exceeding the
sum of twenty dollars, to be recovered before any justice of the
peace, in like manner and subject to the same rules and regulations,
as debts under fifty dollars may be recovered; and he, she or they,
so offending, may and shall remain liable to actions at the suit of
the said president and directors for further damages for such offence,
if the said sum or sums herein mentioned be not sufficient to
repair and satisfy such damages. |
Penalty on persons
pulling down, &c.
any part of bridge,
&c. |