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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1680   View pdf image (33K)
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CHAP. 33.



                                LAWS OF MARYLAND.

    13.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said managers shall have
power to condemn and pay for such ground as may be necessary
for the site of the said bridge, for a toll-house, and for a road or
roads leading to the said bridge; Provided always, that if any person
or persons shall conceive themselves aggrieved, the said ground
shall be assessed and valued by three persons to be chosen, one by
the managers, one by the proprietors of the property, and those
two to choose a third, whose decision shall be final.

Transfers of stock.     14.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the stock of the said company
may be transferred by the holder in person, or by power of attorney,
but all debts actually due to the company by a stockholder
offering to transfer, must be discharged before the transfer shall be
made, This act, and every part thereof, to be of no effect unless an
act shall be passed by the legislature of Virginia upon similar principles.
Copy of this act
to be transferred
to governor of
    15.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the governor of this state be and
he is hereby requested to cause a certified copy of this act to be
transmitted to the governor of Virginia, with a request that he will
lay the same before the legislature thereof.

Passed Jan. 1, 1816.
                                        CHAP. XXXIV.
An Act for the improvement of McClure's Dock in the City of Baltimore.
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 447.

                                                A Supplement, 1813, ch. 33.

Commissioners appointed
to extend dock.
    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
William Patterson, James Ogleby, John Stricker, Henry Payson,
James Mosher, William Lorman, August I. Schwartze, Thomas
Tenant and Levi Hollingsworth, shall be commissioners, who shall
have power to cause the dock called McClure's Dock in the city of
Baltimore, to be extended northwardly in their discretion, not beyond
the south side of Pratt-street, to be widened to such width as
they shall judge proper, not beyond the walls of the buildings at
present erected adjoining the dock, without the consent of the respective
proprietors, and to be deepened to such depth as they
think necessary, by making a dam and drawing out the water of
said dock, or in any other manner they shall think proper; and
said commissioners shall have power to cut into the grounds or improvements,
and remove or take down the wharves or walls on
either side of said dock, and to abut or dam thereto if they shall
find the same necessary in carrying on their operations, provided
that they reinstate and replace the same in as perfect and substantial
a manner as they were in previous thereto; and a majority of
said commissioners shall be competent to execute the powers of the
board; and in case of the death or refusal to act of any of them,
those remaining shall by appointment fill the vacancy so occasioned;
and said commissioners, after determining the width and extent
of the said dock, shall make out a plot of the same, and deliver
it to the register of the city of Baltimore, to be by him filed in his
Assessors to be appointed
to determine
    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the mayor of the city of Baltimore
shall appoint five assessors, who shall value and determine
the damages which shall be sustained by any of the proprietors of
the property lying on said dock, by extending or widening the
same, or by any thing which shall be done in prosecuting said work;

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
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