CHAP. 33. |
president and directors, either forfeit to the company every such
share on which any instalment may remain due and unpaid as aforesaid,
to be sold by the said president and directors for the best price
that can be obtained therefor, for the benefit of the said company,
or shall be liable to be sued for the same, and the amount thereof,
with legal interest thereon, shall and may be recovered by the said
president and directors of and from such stockholder, or his or her
assignee, in such court wherein the said stockholder may be liable
to be sued for any other debt or claim whatsoever. |
Accounts of monies
received and
expended to be
kept. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president and
directors of
said company shall keep fair and just accounts of all monies received
by them from the managers, and from the subscribers to the
said undertaking, and of the amount of the profits or shares that
may be forfeited, and generally of all monies received by them for
the purpose of erecting the said bridge, and also of all monies by
them expended in the prosecution of the said work, and shall at
least once in every year, submit such accounts to a general meeting
of the stockholders, until the said bridge be completed, and until
all the costs, charges and expenses, for effecting the same, shall be
fully paid or discharged, and the aggregate amount of all such expenses
shall be liquidated and ascertained; and if after the said
bridge is completed, it shall be found that more monies shall remain
in the hands of the treasurer than are necessary for the payment
of all charges and expenses incurred in and about erecting the said
bridge, the surplus shall be returned as part of the dividend due
and payable to the stockholders respectively; and if it should appear
that the said capital stock will be insufficient to complete the said
bridge, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, it shall
and may be lawful for the said directors and company, at a stated or
special meeting to be convened according to the provisions of this
act, or by their own by-laws, to increase the number of shares to
such an extent as may be deemed sufficient to complete the work,
and receive subscriptions, and demand the money subscribed for
such shares in like manner, and under like penalties, as are hereby
before provided, or shall be provided by their by-laws. |
Bridge to be built
in the most substantial
manner. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bridge
shall be built in
the most secure and substantial manner, and shall be secured and
supported by good and sufficient abutments or piers, and shall not
be less than eighteen feet wide, with railing on the said bridge at
least four feet high, and that the said bridge shall be preserved in
continual repair. |
Bridge when built
vested in company. |
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That for and in consideration
of the great
risk and expenses incurred by the said company, not only for building
the said bridge, but for keeping the same in continual repair,
the said bridge, when built and completed according to the directions
of this act, and all its profits, shall be and the same are hereby
vested in the said company for ever, to be held as tenants in
common, in proportion to their respective shares; and it shall and
may be lawful for the said directors at all times hereafter, to demand
and receive the following tolls, to wit: For every loaded wagon
and team one dollar; for every empty wagon and team eighty
cents; for every horse chair twenty-five cents; for every man and
horse twelve and a half cents; for every single man or horse six
cents and a fourth; for every cart and two horses thirty-three and |