or by their successors, in the manner contemplated by this
act; that any difficulties, doubts or complaints, as to the proper
application of the funds of the said lottery, or the extension of the
benefits of said institution, shall be referred to the said commissioners,
the decision of whom, or a majority of whom, shall be
final and binding on those concerned in such use of the funds or extension
of the benefits of said Surgical Institution. |
CHAP. 30. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners
shall fill
up all vacancies occasioned by death or resignation in their body,
within one month from the occurrence of said vacancies. |
Vacancies in board
of commissioners. |
An Act to authorise the Sale of the Real Estate of Perry E. Noel,
of Queen-Anne's County, deceased. Lib. TH.
No. 4, fol. 437.
A Private Act. |
Passed Dec. 30. |
An Act to lay out and make public a Road in Cecil County.
TH. No. 4, fol. 439. |
Passed Dec. 30. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Samuel Hayes, William Howard, John Evans, (of Robt.) Henry
D. Miller and John Pitner, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners
for the purposes of this act, and that they, or a majority
of them, are hereby authorised and required to survey and
lay out a road not exceeding forty feet in width, beginning at the
public road leading from Elkton to New London Cross Roads, at
or near a school house, called Union School House in New-Munster,
thence running northwardly until it intersects the Pennsylvania
line near the land leading from the dwelling house of John
Jordan, and in a direction for Septimus Evans's lime-kilns in
Pennsylvania, thence continuing northwardly until it intersects the
Pennsylvania line, at the termination of the road ordered by the
court of Chester county in the state of Pennsylvania, to be laid
out from Kimble's tavern to the Maryland line in a direction for
Elkton; Provided, that the said road shall not be made to pass
through the buildings, yards, gardens or orchards, of any person,
without the consent of the owner or owners thereof. |
Commissioners appointed
and authorised
to lay out a
Proviso. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of the commissioners
aforesaid, on or before the first Monday in September
next, to cause a plot and certificate of said road to be made, and
return the same to the levy court of Cecil county at their first sitting
thereafter, whereupon it shall and may be lawful for the levy
court of said county to levy upon the assessable property of said
county a sum of money, such as they may deem necessary, and to
appoint an overseer to open and clear said road agreeably to the
plot and certificate aforesaid; and the said road, when opened and
cleared as aforesaid, shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be,
for ever thereafter, a public road, and shall be kept in repair as
other public roads in said county. |
Plot thereof to be
made and returned. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners,
or a majority
of them, shall value and ascertain the damages that may be
sustained by each and every of the persons through whose lands
the said road may pass, (petitioners to the general assembly for
this road only excepted,) by opening the same, taking into estimation |
Damages to be ascertained. |