1815. |
as a receptacle for invalids requiring surgical aid, and the said
commissioners, or a majority of them, or a majority of the survivors,
shall always be competent to act in the premises, and the
said lot of ground shall be purchase by, and the deed shall be
made to the said commissioners, or the survivors of them, and it
shall be the duty of the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
or a majority of the survivors, as soon as the said building shall be
completed, or as soon as the same shall be fit for the reception of
invalids, to grant by a deed to be recorded in Baltimore county
court, the said lot of ground, with the buildings thereon, to Doctor
William Gibson and Doctor John Owen, of the city of Baltimore,
for and during the term of twenty years, to be computed from the
date of the said deed, and immediately upon the execution of the
said deed, the reversion of the said lot, with the appertenances,
shall ipso facto vest in the state of Maryland, and the said state
be seized of the same estate therein as was vested in the said commissioners. |
Building to be
used as a receptacle
of invalids from
all parts of the
Proviso. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the building so
to be erected as
aforesaid, shall be called the Surgical Institution of Baltimore, and
shall be held, used and occupied, by the said William Gibson and
John Owen, as a receptacle of invalids from all parts of the state of
Maryland requiring surgical aid; and it shall be the duty of the said
William Gibson and John Owen to receive into the said institution,
and to administer surgical aid gratis to all such persons as may
produce to them a certificate from the orphans court of any county
in this state, declaring that the person to whom such certificate is
granted is an object of charity; Provided however, that the person
so applying shall pay a reasonable compensation for his or her board,
it being the intention of this act to provide surgical aid for the poor
gratis, but not to provide them the means if subsistence. |
To be used for no
other objects than
those which are
medical. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said surgical
institution and
buildings and appertenances belonging thereto, shall be applied to
and used for no other purposes or objects than those which are
medical, according to the true intent and meaning of this act; and
that in case of the death of the said William Gibson and John
Owen, or either of them, during or within the said term of twenty
years so specified in the said deed, so to be made by the said commissioners
to the said William Gibson and John Owen, that then
an din that case, a successor or successors, as the case may be,
duly qualified according to the true meaning and intent of this act,
may and shall be appointed for the unexpired part of the said
twenty years, by the said commissioners, or a majority of them,
within two months of said vacancy, so to manage and conduct the
affairs of said Surgical Institution, as it is the meaning of this act
that they shall be conducted and managed by the said William Gibson
and John Owen, to all intents and purposes as if they the said
William Gibson and John Owen were to live and continue to execute
the said duties as professional superintendants over the said
Surgical Institution according to the true intent and meaning of
the third section of this act. |
Standing committee
—application of
funds. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That a standing committee
from the
body of the said commissioners shall be from time to time appointed
by said commissioners, to see that the affairs of the said
Surgical Institution are conducted by the said superintending physicians, |