CHAP. 32. |
the advantages and disadvantages, if any; and the damages
so ascertained shall be levied and assessed as other county charges
are, and shall be paid over to the persons respectively through
whose lands the said road may pass, except as before excepted. |
compensation. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners
shall be
entitled to receive a compensation for their attendance and services
in discharge of their duties of this act, not exceeding two dollars
per day, to be ascertained by the levy court, which is hereby directed
to be levied, collected and paid, as other county charges are. |
Passed Dec. 30. |
An Act for erecting a Bridge over the Potomac, near Williamsport
in Washington
County. Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 441. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly
by the inhabitants
of Williamsport, and its vicinity, in Washington county,
that they, together with a number of other inhabitants of Virginia,
are desirous of forming a company for the purpose of erecting a
bridge over the Potomac; therefore, |
Managers appointed
—their duties. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
Jacob T. Towson, Edward G. Williams, Samuel Ringgold, John
Buchanan, Matthew Van Lear, Robert T. Friend, Rawleigh Colston,
Elisha Boyd, Archibald Shearer and Thomas C. Smith, be
and they are hereby appointed managers to do and perform the
several duties herein after named; that is to say, they, or any two
of them, shall and may, on or before the first day of May next,
procure one or more books, as to them shall seem necessary, and
shall enter therein as follows: " We whose names are hereunto
promise to pay to the president, directors and company,
for erecting a bridge over the Potomac river, the sum of two dollars
and fifty cents every sixty days thereafter, until twenty
dollars be paid upon every share of stock in said company set opposite
our respective names;" and shall thereupon proceed to receive
subscriptions for the stock of the said company, which is
hereby declared to be the sum of forty thousand dollars, divided
into two thousand shares of twenty dollars each, at such time and
place as they think proper, of which three weeks notice shall be
given in the two newspapers published at Hager's-town, and shall
keep the said books open for the space of three weeks, unless the
whole number of shares be sooner subscribed for, which subscriptions
may be made in person, or by proxy; and in case the whole
number of shares shall not be subscribed for in that time, the said
managers, or any two of them, shall give notice as aforesaid of the
time and place where the remaining shares may be subscribed for. |
Election of president
and directors. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That as soon as one
thousand shares
shall be subscribed for, the said managers, or any two of them,
shall call a meeting of the stockholders, who shall proceed in person,
or by proxy, to the election by ballot of nine directors; and
the said directors shall elect one of their number to act as president,
who shall with the directors continue in office one year, and
until a new election of directors shall thereafter be made; and the
said stockholders, in one year after the day on which the election
shall be first made, and on the same day in every year thereafter,
except the same shall happen on Sunday, and in that case on the |