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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1673   View pdf image (33K)
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lottery shall be completed, as will satisfy the fortunate adventurers
for prizes drawn by them, and after deducting the necessary
expenses incurred in said lottery, shall within twelve months after
the drawing of said lottery shall be completed, apply the money
raised by such lottery to the completing of St. Lucas Reformed
Church in Union-town in Frederick county.


CHAP. 29.

    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the aforesaid Jacob Appler,
senior, Moses Shaw, John Crabbs, Doctor William B. Hebbard,
Doctor Thomas Boyer, Nicholas Snyder, John Dagen, Jacob
Shriver and John Shuee, or a majority of them, shall proceed
to act, the bond to be given by them as aforesaid, shall be lodged in
the office of the clerk of Frederick county, to be there recorded,
and upon such bond, or any office copy thereof, suit or suits may
be instituted for any breach or noncompliance with the condition
Bond to be lodged
in clerk's office.
                                       CHAP. XXX.
An Act authorising the drawing of a Lottery for the benefit of the Surgical
                Institution of Baltimore. 
Lib. TH. No. 4, fol. 435.

                                                    See 1818, ch. 154.

Passed Dec. 30.
    1.  BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Joseph H. Nicholson, Dennis A. Smith, Henry Thompson, Lemuel
Taylor, Nathaniel Williams, Samuel Hollingsworth, James L.
Hawkins, Ashton Alexander, Christopher Hughes, junior, Lyde
Goodwin, Henry Didier, junior, George Winchester, John Owen
and William Gibson, junior, or a majority of them, be and they
are hereby appointed commissioners to propose a scheme of one or 
more lotteries, for raising a sum of money not exceeding fifty thousand
dollars, with the expense of drawing the same, for the purpose
of establishing a Surgical Institution in or near the city of
Baltimore, and to sell and dispose of the said tickets in the said
lottery, as well in the city of Baltimore as in any other part of
the state, any law to the contrary thereof notwithstanding, and
shall proceed to draw the said lottery; provided, the said commissioners,
or such majority of them, as shall act under this law, shall
before the sale or disposal of any ticket or tickets in said lottery,
give their joint and several bond to the state of Maryland, in the
penal sum of one hundred thousand dollars, conditioned that they
will well and truly within six months after the drawing of said lottery,
apply so much of the money arising therefrom, as will satisfy
the fortunate adventurers for prizes drawn by them, and dispose
of the balance, after deducting all necessary expenses, according
to the true intent and meaning of this act.
Lottery authorised
—Bond to be given.
    2.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the duty of the said
commissioners, before they act as such, to lodge the said bond in
the clerk's office of Baltimore county court, there to be recorded,
and upon such bond, or any office copy thereof, suit or suits may
be instituted and prosecuted in any court of law or equity in this
state, wherein such obligors may be legally sued for any breach of,
or noncompliance with, the conditions of the same.
Bond to be lodged
and recorded.
    3.  AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners aforesaid shall
purchase with the money raised by the said lottery, a convenient
lot of ground in or near the city of Baltimore, and shall erect thereon
a suitable building to be used and occupied at all times thereafter
Lot and buildings,
in whom vested.

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William Kilty et. al., (eds).The Laws of Maryland from the End of the Year 1799,...
Volume 192, Page 1673   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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