DEC. 1813. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the field officers
of the regiment
of artillery in the city of Baltimore shall consist of one lieutenant
colonel and two majors, and the commissioned officers of each company
of not more than sixty-four privates, in said regiment, shall
consist of one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant,
and one third lieutenant, and that the governor and council be and
they are hereby authorised to appoint such and so many officers for
said regiment as will, with those already appointed, make the number
hereby required. |
Uniform. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the field and company
officers of
said regiment shall be authorised to agree upon and determine what
shall be the uniform for said regiment of artillery. |
Boats to be removed
on the approach
of the enemy. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of every officer
commanding a regiment, battalion or company, bordering on
the navigable waters of this state, immediately upon the approach
of the enemy, to cause to be removed, by a detachment of the militia
under his command, all the open boats within his district, to
some place of security, and to cause the same to be guarded, if
necessary, to prevent any improper communication with the enemy. |
Part of the original
law repealed. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That so much of the
original law to
which this is a supplement, as relates to the drill meetings of the
officers, be and the same is hereby repealed. |
Passed Jan. 19, 1814. |
An Act to incorporate a Company to make a Turnpike Road from the
Turnpike near Westminster to Taney-Town, thence
with the main-street
through Emmittsburg to Troup's Tavern. Lib.
TH. no. 4,
fol. 218.
Supplements, 1815, ch. 88, and 1818, ch. 37. See 1814, ch. 87. |
Company to be incorporated
of road. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
a company be incorporated for making a turnpike road, beginning
at the turnpike near Westminster, and running in the nearest and
best direction to Taney-town, thence with the main street through
Emmittsburg to Troup's tavern.
By 1815, ch. 88, the road may be extended
from Troup's tavern, in Emmittsburg,
to the Pennsylvania line, and commissioners to be appointed to value damages,
&c. |
Number and prices
of shares. Commissioners. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That subscription books
be opened for
a capital stock of one hundred thousand dollars, in shares of twenty
dollars each, and that subscriptions be taken in Baltimore, for
twenty-five thousand dollars, under the direction of Emanuel Kent,
Ebenezer Findley and Robert Welsh; for five thousand dollars at
Reister's-town, under the direction of Colonel William Jameson,
Isaac Dickson, George Fisher, junior, John Mackelfresh and Thomas
Moale; for twenty-five thousand dollars at Westminster, under the
direction of John Fisher, Isaac Shriver, James McHaffie, John
Roope, Henry Brown, Peter Shoemaker and Thomas Wells; for
twenty thousand dollars at Taney-town, under the direction of Joseph
Sim Smith, John McKaleb, John Crapster, Solomon Jennings,
Thomas Jones, Michael Stover, Clotworthy Bernie, Samuel
Thompson and Joseph Taney; and for twenty-five thousand dollars
at Emmittsburg, under the direction of Robert L. Annan, Lewis
Motter, John Grable, Patrick Reid, John Smith, Philip Troup and
Abraham Hebling; who are hereby appointed commissioners for
the purposes aforesaid, who shall on or before the first Monday in |