May next, procure books, and in each enter as follows, to wit:
" We whose names are hereunto subscribed to promise to pay to the
president, managers and company, of the Westminster, Taney-town
and Emmittsburg Turnpike Company, the sum of twenty
dollars for every share of stock in said company set opposite our
respective names. Witness our hands this _____ day of _____, eighteen
hundred and fourteen;" and shall give notice in one or more
of the public newspapers in the city of Baltimore and Frederick-town,
for one month at least, of the times when, and places where,
the said books will be open to receive subscriptions of stock for the
said company, at which times and places at least two of the said
respective commissioners shall attend, and shall permit and suffer
all persons who shall offer to subscribe in person, or by attorney
duly authorised, in the said books, which shall be kept open for
that purpose at least four hours every day, Sundays excepted, for
the space of three days, if three days shall be necessary; Provided
nevertheless, that the said commissioners shall not permit any one
person or company to subscribe for more than twenty-five shares
during the first day on which the said books shall be opened; and if
at the expiration of the three first days the said books shall
not have, for each respective place of subscription, the full number
subscribed, the said respective commissioners may adjourn from
time to time until the number of shares respectively shall be subscribed,
of which adjournment public notice shall be given in one
or more of the public papers in Baltimore and Frederick-town; and
when the said subscriptions in teh said books shall amount to the
said respective numbers aforesaid, the same shall be closed; Provided
always, that every person offering to subscribe in the said books
in his own name, or in the name of any other person, shall upon
subscribing pay to the attending commissioners one dollar for every
share to be subscribed, out of which shall be defrayed the expense
attending the taking such subscription, and other incidental
charges, and the remainder shall be paid to the president and managers,
in such sums, and such times, as the president and managers
may appoint, they giving thirty days public notice of the
payment so required. |
DEC. 1813.
CHAP. 173.
Provisos. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when one hundred
persons or
more shall have subscribed two thousand five hundred shares or
more of stock in the said company, the said commissioners shall,
as soon as conveniently may be, give thirty days notice in one or
more of the newspapers printed in Baltimore and Frederick county,
of the time and place by them appointed for the subscribers to
meet, in order to organize the said corporation, and to choose, by
a majority of votes of the said subscribers, by ballot, to be delivered
in person, or by proxy duly authorised, one president, eight
managers, one treasurer, and such other officers as shall be deemed
necessary, to conduct the business of the said company until the
second Monday in October next, and until like officers shall be
thereafter chosen, and make such by-laws, rules, orders and regulations,
as do not contravene the consitution and laws of this
state, and may be necessary for the well governing the affairs of
the said company; Provided always, that no person shall have
more than twenty-five votes in any election, or in determining any
question arising at such meeting, whatever number of shares he, |
When a sufficient
number of shares
are subscribed
company to be organized. |