from rust, and bright, the lock clean, well oiled, and with a good
flint, and to appear with such arms at every muster where by law
they are obliged to appear, and at all other times when they may
be called on duty; and at all musters the officers in their respective
stations shall be diligent and careful in inspecting their arms, in
noting deliquencies, and making report thereof, as herein after directed. |
MAY 1813.
CHAP. 19.
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any person
in the militia,
possessed of public arms as aforesaid, shall be about to remove out
of the limits of the company to which he belongs, or during such
possession arrive at the age of forty-five years, or otherwise shall
be exempt from militia duty, he shall deliver to the officer commanding
the company to which he belongs, in good order and unimpaired,
such public arms as may have been delivered to him, and
if any person so possessed shall die, it shall be the duty of the
officer commanding the company to which he belonged, immediately
to take possession of such arms, inspect and take care of them,
in the manner herein after directed, to be delivered to some other
person in his company in manner before directed. |
Persons becoming
exempt to deliver
up arms. |
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of the commanding
officers of companies, from time to time, to inspect the
public arms in the possession of the non-commissioned officer and
privates of their companies, and where it shall appear to him that
any such arms are not in the condition required by this act, it
shall be the duty of such officer to report the same as other delinquencies;
and if it shall at any time come to his knowledge, that
any one of his company has embezzled or disposed of his arms, or
has removed out of the limits of his company, without delivering
them up, as herein before directed, in all such cases it shall be his
duty immediately to proceed by and under the authority of a warrant,
according to law, issuing from any justice of the peace of
the county or counties where such arms, or any part thereof, are
supposed to be, to regain the possession of such arms wherever the
same may be found, and it shall moreover be the duty of such captain
to proceed as herein after directed, to bring into punishment,
according to this act, every person offending in the disposing, buying
or concealing such arms. |
Arms to be inspected.
for embezzlement
thereof. |
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That any non-commissioned
officer or
soldier who shall attempt to transfer a right to the said arms in his
custody, or to any part thereof, by sale or otherwise, to any person
or persons, accompanied with actual delivery, as well every
person so offending as every person purchasing or concealing the
said arms, knowing the said arms to be the property of the public,
shall forfeit and pay, for each offence, the sum of forty dollars, to
be recovered in the name of the state of Maryland, by motion in
the county court of the county wherein the offence may have been
committed, provided such person shall have ten days previous notice
of such motion, or notice of such motion shall have been previously
left ten days at his place of abode, and the right of the
state to such arms shall not, by such or any other mode of transfer,
be impaired or taken away. |
Penalty on persons
disposing of
arms. |
15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case of loss
of arms, satisfaction
for the same, to be awarded by a company court-martial,
shall be made by the person or persons who shall have received the |
Prices of arms. |