MAY 1813.
CHAP. 19.
Detachments of
militia not to serve
longer than sixty
days. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when any of the
militia shall be
detached by this law, they shall not remain in service longer than
sixty days, to be calculated from their arrival at the place of rendezvous
till their discharge from camp, and, if required by the
exigencies of the state, they shall be relieved by a detachment as
aforesaid. |
Substitutes. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall and may
be lawful for
any person called to do a tour of duty to find a substitute, who, if
approved of by the commanding officer of the company in which
such person is enrolled, may serve in the place of such person; and
whenever such substitute shall have been approved of by the commanding
officer of the company, he shall subscribe his name to the
following form: " I, A. B. do acknowledge myself as a substitute
for C. D. in class No. __, belonging to the _____ company, commanded
by E. F." and the person thus acknowledging himself as a
substitute shall be considered to all purposes provided for by this
act, as being in the place of his principal, and the principal shall
be deemed thereafter to have performed his rotation of duty. |
Notifications for
tours of duty. |
8. AND BE IT ENACTED, That whenever any draughts
of the
militia, made as aforesaid, shall be called to perform any tour of
duty, the commanding officer of the company shall cause each and
every person so called, to be notified of such call, by a written notice
being delivered to him personally, or left at his usual place of
abode, by some officer or suitable person employed for that purpose
by the commanding officer of the company, at least three days before
the time of assembling the said militia, unless such militia
shall be ordered into immediate and actual service, and then the
note mentioning such special order shall be given for immediate
attendance; and any person refusing or neglecting to perform such
tour of duty, or to procure a substitute, unless prevented by sickness,
or other reasonable excuse, shall pay a fine not exceeding
fifty dollars for such neglect or refusal, at the discretion of a regimental
court-martial, to be paid to the commanding officer of the
company to which such militia-man may belong, to be applied to
the hiring of substitutes to supply the place of the delinquents belonging
to such company. |
Substitutes to
stand draughts. |
9. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no person serving
as a substitute
shall thereby be executed standing a draught himself. |
Those having performed
duty to be
included in last
class. |
10. AND whereas many of the militia-men of
this state have
already perform a tour of duty, therefore, BE IT ENACTED,
That the commanding officer of the company be and he is hereby
instructed, to include all such in the class allotted to perform the
last tour of duty. |
Receipts for arms,
&c. |
11. AND whereas the state has distributed
many of its arms
among the militia of this state, and it is necessary to make some
provision for their safe-keeping, therefore, BE IT ENACTED, That
it shall be the duty of non-commissioned officers and privates, who
shall receive any arms, to grant a receipt for the same, (which said
receipt shall be taken in a book to be by the commanding officer of
the company kept for that purpose,) making themselves liable for
the safe keeping thereof, and for their delivery when legally called
on for that purpose. It shall be the duty of all persons in the militia,
who receive into their possession public arms, to keep the
same in neat and good order, the musket barrel and bayonet free |