NOV. 1813. |
same, to the state, at the following prices: For a musket, twenty
dollars; for a ramrod, one dollar; for a bayonet, two dollars; for a
cartouch box, two dollars; for a pistol, five dollars; for a sword,
ten dollars; for a pair of holsters, five dollars; and for a rifle, thirty
dollars. |
Penalty for buying
them. |
16. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any militia-man,
or other
person, shall sell, buy, or give away any part of the public arms,
or carry the same out of the bounds of his regiment, with intent
to defraud the state, he shall be considered as guilty of a misdemeanor,
and being convicted thereof at any time within five years, on
information or indictment in any county court, shall be amerced in
a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and imprisoned for a term
not exceeding sixty days, at the discretion of the court. |
Penalty for permitting
them to be
out of order. |
17. AND BE IT ENACTED, That each non-commissioned
or private who shall have been or may be armed by the public, shall
be fined not exceeding one hundred cents for each article of his accoutrements
which shall be out of order; and it shall be the duty of
the captain or commanding officer of every company armed as aforesaid,
to note down, at every muster, each and every breach of this
law, and make report of the same to the presiding officer of the
company court-martial. |
Arms out of order
to be collected. |
18. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of every
captain, in the hands of whose company there are or may be public
arms, at the next muster, and at every subsequent muster, to examine
the same, and make report of such arms as are out of order
to the colonel, whose duty it shall be to have the same collected and
delivered to the order of the commander in chief. |
Commanding officers
of uniformed
volunteer companies
in third brigade
shall not
command company
Proviso. |
19. AND whereas it has been found detrimental
to the militia service
in the city of Baltimore that company districts should be attached
to regiments composed of volunteer uniformed companies;
BE IT ENACTED, That from and after the passage of this act no
commanding officer or an uniformed volunteer militia company in
the third brigade, shall command a company district, but in all
such cases it shall be the duty of the brigadier-general of the third
brigade to cause such districts to be distributed among other commanding
officers of districts in the same regiment, not commanding
volunteer uniformed companies, if such officers shall not have sufficient
men in their districts to form all companies, and if there
shall be none such, then among other regiments which shall be either
deficient in men or in districts, in the proportion in which they
shall be so deficient; Provided always, that in every instance where
a district shall be taken from the commanding officer of a uniformed
company, it shall be the right of such officer, or his successor, to keep
his company full by volunteers from the other districts of the brigades.
See 1817, ch. 228, s. 32, 33. |
Artillery in that
brigade not to exceed
ten companies. |
20. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the regiment of
artillery in
the said city shall not exceed ten companies, to consist of eighty
privates each. beyond which number no persons residing within the
limits of the third brigade shall be admitted into the said artillery
See 1817, ch. 228, s. 2. |
A rifle battalion
may be raised in
said brigade. |
21. AND BE IT ENACTED, That a battalion of
riflemen, consisting
of five companies, not exceeding ninety privates each in number,
may be raised within the said brigade, to be attached thereto.
See 1817, ch. 228, s. 4. |