militia at any time to be called forth, may appoint such commissaries,
and such staff officers, as shall seem proper, and shall have
full power to adopt such measures as he may deem necessary for
the transporting and issuing all supplies and orders requisite, and
whenever any calls are made upon the militia, the same shall be
made upon the commanding officers of divisions, who shall immediately
take measures for detaching the same, with the necessary
number and ranks of officers, by detail, and according to a regular
rotation of duty. |
MAY 1813.
CHAP. 19. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in case of an insurrection,
threatened insurrection within, or invasion, or threatened invasion
of, any part of the state, a major-general, brigadier-general, or a
commanding officer of a regiment or battalion, extra battalion or
squadron, shall have full power to order out the militia, or any part
thereof, belonging to their respective districts, where the insurrection
or threatened invasion may be or is expected to take place (a),
and it shall be the duty of any such officer to give notice of such
insurrection or threatened insurrection, or invasion or threatened
invasion, with every circumstance attending the same, as early as
possible, to their immediate commanding officer, by whom such information
shall be transmitted with the utmost expedition to the
commander in chief of this state; and in such cases it shall be the
duty of the commanding officer of the regiment, battalion, extra
battalion or squadron, or such part thereof as he may deem
necessary, and to take such measures as he may deem requisite for
the protection and the peace of the state, till the orders of the commanding
officer of the brigade shall be by him received; and it
shall be the duty of every commanding officer of a brigade, immediately
upon such information, to give such orders, and, if necessary,
such aid from his brigade, by causing detachments therefrom
as aforesaid, as in his judgment shall be required; and the
militia shall be ordered out as aforesaid when any two justices of
the peace shall require, and state in writing, that they have good
reason to believe that the peace and quiet of the state is likely to be
endangered by an insurrection or opposition to the laws.
(a) By 1816, ch. 193, the judges
of Baltimore city court, or any of them, may,
when the peace and quiet of the state is likely to be endangered, direct
the militia
to be ordered out. |
In case of insurrection,
&c. by
whom militia may
be called out. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any such officer
shall neglect
to give such information as is required of them by the preceding
section, he shall forfeit a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars,
at the discretion of a regimental court-martial, to be collected and
applied as fines are directed to be collected and applied, when levied
by a regimental court-martial, under the act*, entitled, An act to
regulate and discipline the militia of this state, and the several supplements
thereto. |
Penalty on officers
for neglecting to
give information
of insurrection, &c. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in the cases provided
for in the
preceding section, the commanding officer of a brigade shall have
full power and authority to take such measures for transporting
and issuing such supplies and orders within his brigade, as he may
deem requisite, till the orders of the commander in chief shall be
known. |
Transporting and
issuing supplies,
&c. |