MAY 1813.
CHAP. 17. |
of the ground will admit of, any thing in the said act to the contrary
By December 1813, ch. 122, the road
to be located from Hancock-town to the
town of Cumberland, by the nearest practicable route. |
Passed May 29.
* 1791, ch. 67. |
A Further Supplement to the act*, entitled, An act for regulating
mode of staying Executions, and repealing the Acts of
therein mentioned, and for other purposes.
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol.
By this act executions were stayed
on judgments which should be superseded
until the end of the next session, when it expired, being excepted out
of the continuing
act of Dec. 1813, ch. 149. But by ch. 178, of that session, no executions
were to issue on judgments superseded under this act, until the 1st of
Sept. then
next. By 1814, ch. 84, the act of December 1813, ch. 178, was repealed. |
Passed May 29. |
An Act providing for the calling out and detaching the Militia of
State, and for other purposes.
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 572.
A Supplement 1814, ch. 113. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS great obstacles to the public defence, and
much inconvenience
to the citizens of this state, arise from the want of
uniformity in the manner of ordering into service the militia of
this state, and from a deficiency in forcing their attendance, when
so ordered; therefore, |
Companies to be
divided into ten
divisions—tours of
duty, &c. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
it shall be the duty of the commanding officers of companies to proceed
immediately to divide their companies into divisions, by lot,
from one to ten, for the purpose of an equal routine of duty, and
when ordered into actual service he shall begin with the first, and
so on in succession, and to return a roster of each division, and its
number, tot he commanding officer of his battalion, who shall transmit
the same to the commanding officer of the regiment; the same
regulations shall be observed by every commanding officer of a
company on the subsequent enrolment of any person therein, unless
such person shall produce a certificate of his having been before
drawn for the above purpose, in which case he shall be enrolled
according to his draught; and it shall be the duty of every commanding
officer of a company, to give any person removing out of
his company limits, a discharge, certifying the class wherein he
was arranged, and whether he had performed his tour of duty or
not, and also the time and date of such service, which said certificate
the said militia-man shall produce to the commanding officer
of the company into whose limits he shall so have removed, within
ten days after his removal, and such officer is hereby instructed to
enrol him in the numerical class mentioned in such certificate; and
every militia-man so removing, and failing to produce the certificate
as aforesaid, shall be enrolled in the class destined to perform
the next tour of duty; and it shall be the duty of every commanding
officer of a company, upon application, to grant such certificate
to every militia-man so removing, under the penalty of twenty dollars,
to be recovered by the person applying for the same, in the
same manner that small debts are now recovered. |
Appointment of
staff officers—calls
on the militia. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the governor, by
and with the
advice of the council, for the accommodation and support of the |