they, or any one of them, are hereby authorised and directed to
extend to Gerard Topken the benefit and relief of the act of assembly,
passed at November session eighteen hundred and five*, entitled,
An act for the relief of sundry insolvent debtors, and the
supplements thereto, upon the application heretofore made by him
to Baltimore county court, without compelling him to produce the
assent of so many of his creditors as have due to them two-thirds
in amount of his debts, and to extend and afford to the said Gerard
Topken, all the benefits, advantages and provisions, of the
aforesaid act, and the supplements thereto, in the same manner,
and upon the same terms and conditions, as if he had obtained the
assent of two-thirds of his creditors to his release under the same. |
MAY 1813.
CHAP. 14.
* Ch. 110. |
_____ |
An Act to provide for the payment of the Militia which has been
into actual service, and the expenses incurred
by reason thereof.
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 566. |
Passed May 28. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
there shall be paid to the order of the governor, by the treasurer
of the western shore, out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise
appropriated, a sum not exceeding one hundred thousand dollars. |
Sum appropriated. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, That the said sum, or so
much thereof
as may be necessary, shall be applied by the governor in discharge
of the claims arising from, and expenses incurred in consequence
of the service of that portion of the militia of the state
which have already been called into service by virtue of the sixth
section of the act, entitled, An act to regulate and discipline the
militia of this state, passed at November session eighteen hundred
and eleven †, or by the orders of the commander in chief of the militia
of this state. |
How to be applied.
† Ch. 182. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the militia which
have been called
into service, shall receive, under this act, the same pay and rations
as the troops in the service of the United States are now entitled
to receive. |
Pay and rations of
militia called into
service. |
_____ |
An Act for the benefit and relief of William Harrison, of James,
of Talbot
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 567. A Private Act.
The orphans court of Dorchester county
authorised to execute a deed to the
said Harrison, for a tract of land, called Tootle's Venture, under
certain provisos. |
Passed May 29. |
A Supplement to the act ‡, entitled, An Act to incorporate
a Company
to make a Turnpike Road leading to Cumberland, and for
the extension
of the Charters of the several Banks in this State,
and for
other purposes. Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 568. |
Passed May 29.
‡ Nov. 1812, ch. 79. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
so much of the act to which this is a supplement, as directs that
part of the road from Hancock-town to Cumberland, in Allegany
county, to be made as near the route as located by Messrs. Moor
and Williams as practicable, be and the same is hereby repealed,
and that the said company shall make the said road from Hancock-town
to George Rizer's, from thence to Thomas Pratt's, and from
thence to Cumberland, in the nearest and best direction the nature |
Part of original act
repealed. Route
changed. |