directed and authorised to view, lay out, survey, mark and bound,
that part of the public road leading from Belle-Air to the city of
Baltimore, and heretofore appointed to be opened by the original
act to which this is a further supplement, which lies between a
bridge now erecting across Winter's run, in Harford county, and a
branch called a White Marsh Branch, in such direction and over
such ground, as they, or a majority of them, shall in their discretion
judge best calculated and most proper for said road, and shall return
a plot thereof to the clerk's office of Baltimore county and Harford
county, before the meeting of the next levy court thereafter, to
be there filed. |
CHAP. 28. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of Baltimore
county be and they are hereby directed and empowered, at their
meeting next after the return of said plot, by warrant under hands
and seals, to appoint and empower an overseer or overseers to open
and clear the said road in Baltimore county, agreeably to said plot
returned to and filed in the clerk's office in Baltimore county, in the
same manner as other roads are by law directed to be opened and
cleared; and the levy court of Harford county are hereby also directed
and empowered, at their meeting next after the return of the
said plot, by warrant under their hands and seals, to appoint and
empower an overseer or overseers to open and clear the said road
in Harford county, agreeably to said plot returned to and filed in
the clerk's office of Harford county as aforesaid, in the same manner
as aforesaid; and the said overseers appointed in virtue of this
act shall give bond according to law, and shall have the same allowance
as other overseers; and the commissioners of review herein
named and appointed shall have the same allowance as the commissioners
appointed under the original act, for their actual services.
3. This section repealed by 1804, ch. 72. |
Overseers to be appointed
--to give
bond. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of Harford county,
at their meeting next after the return of the said plot as aforesaid,
shall and they are hereby required to assess and levy upon
the assessable property of Harford county, and at the meeting of
the said court annually thereafter, a sum of money not exceeding
four hundred dollars in any one year, to be applied to the opening
and clearing said road in Harford county, agreeably to the said
plot, until the said road shall be completed in Harford county, and
the said money shall be collected and paid as other county levies. |
Levy authorised in
Harford for opening
road. |
5. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court
of Baltimore county
may, at their annual meetings, assess and levy upon the assessable
property of Baltimore county, any sum of money they mat
judge necessary to amend and keep in repair the said road already
cleared, and lying between the White Marsh Branch and the city
of Baltimore, exclusive of the money herein before directed to be
levied and collected. |
--In Baltimore. |
6. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said road leading
from Belle-Air
to Baltimore, after the same shall be opened and cleared, shall
be amended and kept in repair in the same manner as other public
roads in Harford and Baltimore counties respectively, |
Road to be kept in
repair. |
7. AND BE IT ENACTED, That an act of assembly
passed at November
session, eighteen hundred, * entitled, A further supplement
to an act, entitled, An act to straighten and amend the public roads |
An act repealed.
* Ch. 42. |