CHAP. 28. |
in Harford county, and for other purposes, be and the same is
hereby repealed. |
Passed Dec. 31.
† 1789, ch. 15. |
A Further Supplement to the act, † entitled, An act for the
draining of
a Marsh and Branch, know by the name of The Long Marsh,
in Queen-Anne's and Caroline Counties. Lib.
JG. No. 4, fol.
36. |
Further estimate
to be made of expences
in cutting
and opening
drain. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the directors for the time being, and their successors, chosen according
to the provisions of the original act to which this is a further
supplement, or any two of them, be and they are hereby authorised
to make a further estimate or estimates of the expenses of cutting,
opening, extending and completing the ditch or drain through
that part of the marsh and branch in the said original act mentioned,
in which no ditch has already been cut, and to apportion the
said estimate or estimates of charges and expenses among the proprietors
of that part of the said marsh and branch through which no
ditch hath yet been cut, in the manner as in the said original act is
directed, and to demand and receive such proportions from the said
proprietors respectively, and in case of refusal to pay by the said proprietors,
or any of them, to compel and enforce payment thereof according
to the manner prescribed by the said original act. |
Proportions to be
paid in three annual
payments. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said directors,
or any two of
them, may, at their discretion, order and direct the proportions of
the said estimate or estimates aforesaid to be paid in not less than
three equal annual instalments, to commence from the first day of
August next ensuing, and upon failure of payment by the proprietors,
or any of them, at the time limited by such instalments, the
said payment may be compelled and enforced in the manner as in
the original act is provided and prescribed. |
Survey of the
ditch and land to
be made. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the directors,
or any two of them,
may, and they are hereby authorised, at their discretion, to cause
an actual survey to be made of the said ditch or drain, and of the
land through which the same is cut, or to be cut, for the purpose of
making a more correct estimate or estimates of the expenses of
cutting, and of repairing and cleansing said ditch or drain, and
the expense of such survey shall be paid by the proprietors of the
said marsh through which the said ditch has been or is to be cut,
in proportion to the quantities of marsh land they respectively
hold, and may be levied and collected from the said proprietors, by
the directors for the time being, in the manner prescribed by the
sixth section of the original act, |
Annual levy to be
made. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said directors
for the time
being shall have power and authority to assess and levy annually
hereafter, in the manner above mentioned, upon the proprietors of
the aforesaid tract of marsh, in proportion to the quantity they respectively
hold, such sum or sums of money as shall be necessary
for cleaning out the said ditch, and keeping the same in good repair. |