the said president and directors shall, for every offence, forfeit
and pay the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered by action of
debt, in the name of the levy court of Baltimore and Harford counties,
one half to the informer or person who will sue for the same,
the other half to the use of the levy courts of Baltimore and Harford
counties, to be equally divided between the said levy courts,
and applied by them towards paying their respective county
charges. |
CHAP. 25. |
12. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president
and directors of the
company give to each stockholder a certificate of the share or shares
he may hold, which shall be a transferable property, under such regulations
and conditions as may be by the said president and directors
adopted for the same; And provided any subscriber shall, after
due notice being given, refuse or neglect to pay the amount of his
subscription, or such part thereof as may by the president and directors
be called for, the sum or sums already paid by such subscribers
shall be forfeited, and the said president and directors may
proceed to receive fresh subscriptions for such share or shares as
may so become forfeited. |
Certificates of
stock--Forfeitures. |
13. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the president,
and a majority
of the directors, shall be a quorum to do business; they shall keep a
book or books, in which shall be inserted minutes of their proceedings,
contracts, purchases, expenditures, and a state of the case in
hand, which book or books shall at all times be open to the inspection
of the stockholders. |
A majority to be
quorum to do business. |
14. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said stockholders
shall be
and are hereby declared a body corporate; by the name of The President
and Directors of the Baltimore and Harford Bridge Company,
and the same name shall have succession until the purposes
of this act be answered, and may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded,
in any court of justice in this state, and before any judge,
judges and justices, in all manner of suit or suits, causes, matters
and demands, in as full and ample a manner as any other person
or persons, bodies politic or corporate, within this state, in like
cases may or can do, and may make, have and use, a common seal,
and the same may break or alter at their pleasure. |
Stockholders incorporated. |
15. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the second and
third sections
of an act, * entitled, An act to straighten and amend the post-road
from Havre-de-Grace to Baltimore-town, and an act, † entitled, A
supplemental act to the act to straighten and amend the post-road
from Havre-de-Grace to Baltimore-town, be and the same are hereby
severally repealed. |
Sections of former
acts repealed.
* April 1797, ch.
† 1800, ch. 83. |
An Act for the relief of the Representatives of Nicholas Merryman,
of Baltimore County, deceased. Lib. JG. No.
4, fol. 28. A Private
Act. |
Passed Dec. 31. |
An Act to alter and change the names of Mary Smock, Robert Smock,
John Smock, and Anne Smock, of the City of Baltimore,
into the
name of Nesbit. Lib. JG. No. 4, fol. 29.
A Private Act. |
Passed Dec. 31. |