An Act for the benefit of Alexander Rigdon, of Harford County.
Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 28. |
CHAP. 7.
Passed Dec. 25. |
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
the said Alexander Rigdon may apply to some justice of the peace
for Harford county, who shall thereupon issue his warrant, directed
to the constable of the hundred where his lands lie, commanding
him to summon five substantial freeholders, not related to the
party, or in any manner interested, to be and appear, before one
or more justices of the peace for said county, on the land, and
upon a certain day in said warrant expressed, which said freeholders,
upon their oath, to be administered by such justice or justices,
shall inquire what damages the said Rigdon has or will sustain by
reason of certain commissioners having located and opened a road
over and through his land; and the said jury are hereby required
to consider convenience, benefit and advantage, (if any,) as well as
the disadvantage, by reason of the said road passing over said
land; and the constable shall return the verdict of the said jury,
or the majority of them, under their hands and seals, to such justice
or justices, who shall return the same to the levy court of
Harford county; and if such jury shall not award a larger sum of
money for damages sustained as aforesaid, than has already been
allowed by the commissioners appointed to lay out said road, and
ascertain the damages, the said Rigdon shall pay the costs of such
inquiry; but in case the same shall exceed the sum allowed by the
said commissioners, then the said costs shall be levied on the assessable
property of said county, together with such further allowance
as shall be made by said jury to the said Rigdon, by the levy
court of said county, and be collected and paid as other public monies
are levied, collected and paid. |
Freeholders to ascertain
sustained by him
by road running
through his land. |
A Supplement to the Act*, entitled, An act authorising the Levy
of Baltimore County to levy a sum of money for the purposes
therein mentioned. Lib. TH. No. 3, fol. 29. |
Passed Dec. 27.
* Nov. 1809, ch. 175. |
1. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the levy court of Baltimore county shall, and they are hereby authorised
to assess and levy on the assessable property of said
county, the sum of six hundred dollars, in addition to the sum of
six hundred dollars already assessed and levied under the act to
which this is a supplement, and the same when assessed and levied,
shall be paid unto William Baseman, William Demmitt and Edmund
Stocksdale, who are hereby appointed commissioners to superintend
the building the bridge over the Patapsco Falls, at Baseman
Ford; and the sum now levied shall be paid unto the said
commissioners, on or before the first day of December next; and
they, or a majority of them shall, and are hereby authorised to
employ a workman or workmen to build the said bridge, and have
the same completed as soon as possible. |
Additional levy
authorised for
building a bridge
over Patapsco
Falls. |
2. AND BE IT ENACTED, That it shall be the
duty of said commissioners
to take bond or bonds from said workman or workmen,
in the sum of fifteen hundred dollars, for the faithful building and
constructing of said bridge; and that the materials thereof shall be
strong, sound and substantial; and that said bonds shall not be |
Commissioners to
take bonds from
workmen. |