CHAP. 8. |
cancelled until said commissioners shall have made report to the
levy court of Baltimore county, that said bridge hath been finished
agreeably to contract. |
To render account
to levy court of
monies expended. |
3. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners,
after the
completion of the said bridge, shall, on oath, render a full account
to the levy court of Baltimore county, of all the money expended in
the building the said bridge; and the money remaining in their
hands not expended, if any, after the completion of the same, shall
be returned to the said levy court, for the use of the said county. |
Allowance to commissioners. |
4. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said levy court
may allow
such sum to the said commissioners, as they in their judgment shall
think a just compensation for their services. |
Passed Dec. 27. |
An Act for the relief of Daniel A. Smithson, of Harford County.
TH. No. 3, fol. 30. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS Daniel A. Smithson, of Harford county, hath
by his petition to this general assembly, that a certain road
in said county, authorised to be opened by an act of the general
assembly, passed at November session eighteen hundred and five (a),
was laid out through his land, while he was a minor, and without
his consent, in such a manner as to subject him to great expense
and inconveniencies, and that he hath never received any compensation
for the damages done him by said road, and hath prayed
that he may be compensated for the damages which he hath sustained,
and his prayer appearing reasonable: therefore,
(a) Probably ch. 21. There
are several acts, passed in 1805, relative to the roads
in Harford county, but it does not appear which is here
referred to. |
Freeholders to ascertain
sustained by road
having been opened
through his
land. |
2. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That
the said Daniel A. Smithson be, and he is hereby authorised to apply
to some justice of the peace for said county, who shall thereupon
issue his warrant, directed to the constable of the hundred where
the land lies, commanding him to summon five substantial freeholders,
not related to said Smithson, or any way interested, to be
and appear on the premises, on a day to be therein expressed;
which said freeholders, upon their oaths, to be administered by
some justice of the peace, shall inquire and ascertain what damages,
if any, said Smithson has sustained by reason of the said road
having been located and opened through his lands; and the said
freeholders are hereby required to consider the convenience, benefit,
advantages and disadvantages, occasioned by opening said road;
and the constable shall return the verdict of said jury, or of the
majority of them, under their hands and seals, to the levy court of
Harford county, who shall levy the amount of damages (if any)
therein expressed, on the assessable property of said county, to be
collected and paid to said Smithson or his order. |
Passed Dec. 27. |
An Act to lay out and open a Road in Frederick County. Lib.
No. 3, fol. 31. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS, it is represented to this general assembly,
by the petition
of sundry inhabitants of Middletown Valley, Frederick
county, that they labour under great disadvantage for want of a
public road to convey their produce to the turnpike; therefore, |