dollars, to be paid to the Mayor and City Council of
197. All vessels which shall be found obstructing
the passage of said docks shall, unless bona fide load-
ing or unloading, remove when requested by the
master or agent of the passing vessel, in such manner
as will give a free and unobstructed passage to such
passing vessel, under a penalty of five dollars an
hour for each hour they shall obstruct such passage,
to be paid to the master or owner of such passing
vessel, after one notice shall have been given to the
master, owner or person in charge of such obstructing
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take
effect from its passage.
Approved April 1, 1872.
Shall remove (
when re-
In force,
AN ACT to define and preserve the Harbor of
Crisfield and the Little Annamessex River in
Somerset county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of'
Maryland, That in order to preserve the navigation
of the Little Annamessex River, in Somerset county,
and secure a safe and commodious harbor at the
Town of Crisfield, Hilliary R. Pitts, George W. Par-
sons and D. Stewart Hessey be and they are hereby
appointed commissioners to survey the said river,
from the inner light-house up to Cedar Creek and
Somers' Cove, as, far as they may think necessary,
and define and establish lines on both sides of said
river and cove, to which wharves and other improve-
ments from either shore may be made and erected.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said commis-
sioners, and each of them, before acting as such,
shall take and subscribe an oath, before some per-
To preserve
To qualify.