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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3303   View pdf image (33K)
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Not to ob-
struct vessels
Penalty for.
Not to enter
AN ACT to repeal sections one hundred and ninety-
four, one hundred and ninety-six and one hundred
and ninety-seven, of chapter thirty-five, of article
four, of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to
the City of Baltimore, sub-title " Docks," and to
re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That sections one hundred and ninety-
four, one hundred and ninety-six and one hundred
and ninety-seven, of chapter thirty-five, of article
four, of the Code of Public Local Laws, relating to
the City of Baltimore, sub-title "Docks," be and the
same are hereby repealed, and re-enacted to read as
194. if" any vessel shall. be lying in Smith's Dock,
or in any other private dock in said city, or the en-
trance thereof, so as to obstruct any vessel that shall
be coming into the same, or moving from one place
to another therein, or going out of the same, the ves-
sel so obstructing, unless bona fide loading or unload-
ing, shall be removed to such place as shall be neces-
sary to give room to the passing vessel, under a
penalty at the rate of five dollars an hour for the de-
lay which shall be occasioned to the passing vessel,
to be paid by the master or owner of the obstructing
vessel, unless \\\ cases where some unavoidable casualty or accident may make it impracticable to re-
move the said obstructing vessel; and if a vessel
when moving to make room for another be obstruc-
ted by any vessel, the master or owner of such obstruct-
ing vessel, unless when loading or unloading, shall
forfeit at the rate of five dollars an hour during the
continuance of such obstruction, to be recovered by
the master or owner of the passing vessel aforesaid.
196. No vessel shall enter Smith's Dock, or any
other private dock in said city, without first ascer-
taining whether there is a vacant place at a wharf
therein where she can lie, under a penalty of five


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1872
Volume 190, Page 3303   View pdf image (33K)
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