SEC. 4. And he it enacted, That whenever, in the
construction, under the provisions of section two of
this Act, of any main street or avenue leading out
of the City of Baltimore, it shall necessary to erect a
bridge over any water-course, and the County Com-
missioners of Baltimore county shall be of the
opinion that the public convenience requite the erec-
tion of such bridge, they may and shall appropriate
such sum of money towards the erection of such
bridge as, in their judgment, the public interests may
require, and shall provide for such appropriation by
a tax upon the taxable property of Baltimore county,
to be levied and collected as other taxes in said
county are levied and collected.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That whenever, in the
construction, under the provisions of the original
Act of eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter nine-
ty-nine, or of this Act, of any street, avenue, square
or alley, the said Street Commissioners shall adopt,
condemn and use, in whole or in part, the location,
line or bed of any private road, street or avenue
which shall have been graded, paved or curbed by
the owner or owners of the ground bounding there-
on, or by their grantors prior to such adoption, con-
demnation and use thereof by the said Street Com-
missioners, they shall, on apportioning the damages,
costs and expenses of construction, as provided by
said original Act, charge and assess upon the said
owner or owners such sums of money only as may
be necessary to make the grading, paving or curb-
ing so, as aforesaid, done by the owner or owners of
ground bounding on said street, avenue, square or
alley, equal in quality the standard of construction
therefor established by the said Street Commis-
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the said Street Com-
missioners shall,!], in accordance with the require-;
ments of this Act, and of said Act of eighteen hun-
dred and seventy, chapter ninety-nine, and in con-
formity, as far as practicable, with the plan of the
streets of the City of Baltimore, lay off within and
without the limits of one mile from the line of said
city, such and so many cross streets, avenues and
Erect bridge.
Levy lax
Private road
Equal in
Plan of
streets .