Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the Company
hereby incorporated and organized shall have
power to make and construct a continuous turn-
pike road, with suitable bridges and culverts over
water courses, from some point on the first mile of
the Union plank and turnpike road, on the bed of
the county road leading to Colesville and Ashton,
and alter and change the said road, whenever the
grade or course of said road renders it expedient
in their judgment; provided, that in case of any
such change of location, and wherever it becomes
necessary to occupy new ground or use new mate-
rials in constructing said road and bridges, and if
the consent of the owner or owners cannot be
obtained, a jury shall be summoned by the Sheriff
of the county, upon a warrant of a justice of the
peace for that purpose, to condemn the said land
or materials and assess the damages, in which
assessment the benefits or advantages of said road
shall he considered by the jury; and provided also,
the inquisition thereupon taken shall he signed by
the Sheriff and jury, and returned by the Sheriff
to the Clerk of the county, and unless good cause
be shown against the said inquisition of the j ury,
Court affirm.
it shall be affirmed by the Court at the next meet-
ing thereof after the verdict of the jury and
recorded, but if the said inquisition should be set
aside, the said Court may in its discretion, as often
as may be necessary, direct another inquisition in
the manner above described.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That whenever the
said road shall be completed, or any three consecu-
tive miles thereof, the said Company may erect
one or more tollgates upon said road, but not
within three miles of each other, and may demand
and receive toll, not exceeding two cents per mile
for any vehicle drawn by two animals, one cent
Rates of toll.
per mile for every additional animal; for every
vehicle drawn by one animal, one cent per mile;
for every score of sheep, swine or cattle, three
cents per mile, and the same proportion for any
less number; for every horse and rider, or led or
driven horse, one cent per mile; and for every
pleasure carriage or vehicle, the above rates and
one-half of said rates additional, and in the same
proportion for half a mile, when the distance
traveled is more than one-fourth of a mile; and