payable, the stock on which it is demanded shall
be forfeited to the Company, and may be sold by
the President and Directors, for the benefit of the
Company, hut the President and Directors may
remit any such' forfeiture on such terms as they
shall deem proper.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That at the expiration
often days for which the books are first opened, if
two hundred shares of twenty-five dollars each of
said capital stock shall have been subscribed, or
if not, as soon thereafter as the same shall be
subscribed, the said Commissioners, or a majo-
rity of them, shall call a general meeting of
the subscribers at such time and place as they
may appoint, and shall give at least ten dajs
public notice thereof, and at such meeting the
said Commissioners shall lay the subscription
books before the subscribers then and there pre-
sent, whereupon the subscribers, or a majority of
General meet-
them, shall elect seven Directors by ballot, to
manage the affairs of said Company, which Direc-
tors, or a majority of them, shall have power to
elect a President, either from among the Directors
or others, and shall allow him such compensation
for his services as they shall deem proper; and in
said election, and all other elections by the stock-
holders of said Company, each shall be allowed
one vote for every share owned by him or her, and
every stockholder may vote either in person or by
proxy, and the Commissioners aforesaid, or any
three or more of them, shall be the judges of the
first election of Directors.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That to continue the
succession of said Company, a general meeting of
the stockholders shall be held annually, at which
meetings a Board of Directory shall be elected as
aforesaid, and other meetings may be called of the
stockholders by the President and Directors, or a
majority of them, according to such rules as may
be furnished by the by-laws of said Company, and
the Board of Directors may meet as often as may
be necessary for the transaction of the business of
the Company, and when a vacancy or vacancies
Annual meet-
may occur from death, resignation, or any other
causes, in the Board of Directors, during the year
for which they are elected, another or others may
be appointed by the remaining Directors to serve
until the next annual meeting.