274/Maryland Manual
John C. White, Assistant Secretary fir
Telecommunications <6r Information Services
301 W Preston St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 225 -465 0
The Assistant Secretary for Telecommunications
and Information Services manages and directs the
Office ofTelecommunications Management and the
Information Services Division.
Norman J. Martin, Jr., Director
301 W Preston St., Room 1304
Baltimore, MD 21201 225-4210
Formerly the Telecommunications Division, the
Office of Telecommunications Management was
created in 1986 and renamed as the Office of
Telecommunications Management in 1990. The
Office coordinates voice, video, radio, data, and
other electronic communication services, including
MARCOM, an integrated digital State communica-
tions network. In 1986, the General Assembly ex-
panded the responsibilities of telecommunications
management within the Department of General
Services to provide guidelines and central direction
to all State agencies in the procurement, use, and
maintenance of communication systems (Code
Scare Finance and Procurement Article, sec. 4-902).
Willis J. Mann, Director
300 W Presron St.
Baltimore, MD 21201 333-0680 (voice^TDD)
1-800-552-7724 (TDD)
Telecommunications Access of Maryland (TAM)
originated in 1988 as the Telecommunications for
Disabled Individuals Program within the Depart-
ment of Human Resources. In 1991, the Program
was renamed and transferred to the Department of
General Services (House Bill 853, Acts of 1991).
Michael Lee Moore, Chairperson, 1992
Appointed by Governor (who also designates chair):
Deborah Hanson Harris, 1990; Ronald Emery
Nomeland, Ph.D., 1990; James A. Stevenson,
1990; Steven A. French, 1991; Nancy T. Perry,
1991; Nancy Ann Pickens, 1991; Cynthia Elaine
Carter, 1992; Wilton D. Downs, Jr., 1992; William
M. Dunbar, 1992; Gertrude R. Jeffers, 1992; four
333-0680 (voice/FDD)
The Governor's Advisory Board for Telecom-
munications Relay originated in 1987 as the
Telecommunications for Disabled Individuals
Board within the Department of Human Resources
(Chapter 525, Acts of 1987). The Board was reor-
ganized under its present name and transferred to
the Department of General Services in 1991
(House Bill 853, Acts of 1991).
In consultation with the Board, the Department
of General Services is to create, implement, and
maintain a dual party telephone message relay pro-
gram for disabled individuals. The program will use
a telecommunications device for the deaf to com-
municate with an intermediary party who then
verbally relays the message to a third party The
system will make telephone use possible for State
residents certified as deaf, or of impaired hearing,
speech, vision, or mobility
The Board consists of fifteen members ap-
pointed by the Governor, who also designates the
chairperson. Members serve three-year terms
(Code 1957, Art. 41, sees. 6-501 through 6-507).
J. Larry Gelineau, Director
Frederick Besche, Chief
The Information Services Division manages and
operates the Department's data and word process-
ing resources. This responsibility includes managing
the operation of the Department's IBM System 36
Minicomputer, and two AC Jacquard J300 Word
Processing Systems, as well as providing for the
security of these systems. The Division also serves
as project manager in developing custom applica-
tions software for the IBM System 36.
Centralized word processing for the Depart-
ment is provided by the Division, which is respon-
sible for final production of the State of Maryland
Telephone Directory and major Department reports.
In addition, the Division provides systems analysis
and programming support to the whole Depart-