Division of Administration, Finance, and Research
The finance section of this Division prepares the annual State public
school budget. It maintains budget and accounting records and dis-
tributes funds made available to the local school systems by the State
and Federal governments. In addition, this unit provides auditing
services and fiscal advice to the State teachers colleges.
The research section compiles all statistical records necessary for
the efficient administration of the public school system. These records
provide a guide to the services rendered by the Department in the
planning, construction, staffing, supervision, and administration of
the public schools. In addition, the research section conducts statistical
studies as they are requested by the State Board of Education or the
State Superintendent of Schools (Code 1957, Art. 77, sees. 33, 34, 47).
Division of Certification and Accreditation
The Division of Certification and Accreditation accredits all Mary-
land schools and colleges, public and private, and certifies their
professional and academic staffs. It provides leadership in teacher
education, licenses and inspects Maryland trade and vocational
schools, supervises the school lunch program, and administers high
school equivalence examinations (Code 1957, Art. 77, sees. 25, 30, 31,
41,99-107). ' ' '
Division of Library Extension
The Division of Library Extension, established within the State
Department of Education by the General Assembly of 1945, exercises
supervision over school libraries and county libraries operating under
the State-Aid Act of 1945. The Division makes available professional
advice and assistance to all school and public libraries. It administers
State funds made available under the Public Libraries Act (Code 1957,
Art. 77, sees. 177-201).
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, established by the Gen-
eral Assembly of 1929, administers the Federal Civilian Rehabilitation
Act, and the funds provided by it, within the State of Maryland. The
Division provides vocational rehabilitation and placement service to
physically handicapped persons. Under the Social Security Law, all
cases applying to the Bureau of Old Age and Survivors Insurance for
disability determinations are required to be referred to this Division
for possible rehabilitation service. District offices are located in Balti-
more, Salisbury, Hyattsville, and Hagerstown, and branch offices in
Annapolis, Chestertown, Cumberland, Easton, Frederick, La Plata,
Rockville, and Westminster (Code 1957, Art. 77, sees. 292-96).
General Special Federal
Funds Funds Funds Total
State Department ............$ 896,351 $ 33,350 $ 929,701
Rehabilitation ............... 462,888 $ 753,313 1,216,201
State Aid to
Education ........................... 83,878,233 if 5,000 4,234,696 88,117,829
Teachers Colleges............ 3,726,118 665,510 4,391,628