State Board of Education
President: J. Jerome Framptom, Jr., 1964
Vice President: Mrs. Kenneth S. Cole, 1962
Richard Schifter, 1963; Dwight O. W. Holmes, 1966; Mrs. J.
Wilmer Cronin, 1966; William L. Wilson, 1967; C. William
Hetzer, 1968.
Thomas G. Pullen, Jr., Secretary-Treasurer of the Board and State
Superintendent of Schools, 1964
David W. Zimmerman, Deputy State Superintendent
William S. Sartorius, Assistant State Superintendent in Adminis-
tration, Finance, and Research
Willis H. White, Director, Division of Instruction
W. Theodore Boston, Director, Certification and Accreditation
Vacancy, Director of Vocational Education
Nettie B. Taylor, Director, Division of Library Extension
Robert C. Thompson, Director, Division of Vocational Rehabili-
301 W. Preston Street, Baltimore I Telephone: 837-9000
A centralized administration of the Maryland public schools was
attempted in 1865, but the General Assembly did not establish the
State Board of Education until 1870 (Ch. 311, Acts of 1870). The
Board, composed of seven members appointed by the Governor for
staggered seven-year terms, makes policy for the public school system
and passes the by-laws and regulations that govern it (Code 1957, Art.
77, sees. 2, 5, 19-24, 27, 29, 32, 36, 164).
The State Board of Education appoints the State Superintendent of
Schools for a four-year term. He directs the State Department of
Education and executes the policy and enforces the regulations
adopted by the Board (Code 1957, Art. 77, sees. 37-39). The State
Department of Education consists of the State Superintendent of
Schools and the professional staff employed by the Board to assist
him. The Department has six divisions (Code 1967, Art. 77, sees.
Division of Instruction
The Division of Instruction provides leadership in planning and
supervising education for children and adults in the public schools of
the State. Among the specific aids it supplies are curriculum materials
which it plans in cooperation with teachers, certain types of visual
aids, and workshop and consultant service. It maintains a curriculum
center and also plans programs for the handicapped and assists with
their education (Code 1957, Art. 77, sees. 26, 40-42, 241-42).
Division of Vocational Education
The Division of Vocational Education supervises the vocational
curricula of the public schools: home economics, agriculture, and
industrial arts. In addition, the Division renders educational services
to industry. The Federal funds granted to the State for these
purposes are allocated through the Division (Code 1957, Art. 77,
sees. 285-88).