General Special Federal
Funds Funds Funds Total
State Department $ 951,132 $ 35,766 $ 986,897
Rehabilitation 523,274 871,685 1,394,959
State Aid to
Education 96,831,662 4,237,137 100,068,799
Teachers Colleges 3,936,554 $909,022 4,845,576
Staff: 182.
The State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of
Schools constitute the Board of Trustees for the State teachers col-
leges. The Board of Trustees appoints the president and teaching staff
of each State teachers college and authorizes all the courses of study
offered. It prescribes entrance requirements for students and fixes the
number to be admitted to each college. It also supervises the expendi-
ture of all State appropriations for the colleges.
The president of each State teachers college is "responsible for the
discipline and successful conduct of his school" and for the adminis-
tration of all its departments. He makes nominations to the Board of
Trustees for teaching appointments and submits for its approval the
curriculum to be offered (Code 1957, Art. 77, sees. 28, 164-66, 170).
William E. Henry, Ed.D., President
Bowie (Prince George's County) Telephone: Central 8-8194
The State Teachers College at Bowie is a State-operated school for
preparing elementary and junior-high school teachers. It was originally
established in 1867 as the Baltimore Normal School, a private institu-
tion. By Chapter 599, Acts of 1908 the State purchased it and moved
it to its present location. The college offers a four-year teacher prepa-
ration course leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Science and Bach-
elor of Arts. Students taking the full four-year course pay no tuition
if they promise to teach in the public schools of Maryland upon
graduation. The enrollment for 1960-61 was 389.
Appropriations 1961 1962
General Funds $495,580 $504,689
Special Funds 101,142 130,270
Totals $596,722 $634,959
Staff: 28.
Parlett L. Moore, Ed.D., President
2500 W. North Avenue, Baltimore 16 Telephone: 523-1111
The Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore City established
the State Teachers College of Baltimore (Coppin) in 1900 and oper-