Sec. 3. The several colleges and academies shall
respectively receive the donations granted to them
by any laws or resolutions of the General Assem-
bly, subject to the conditions annexed thereto.
Receive do-
Sec. 4. Real and personal estate, granted, con-
veyed, devised or bequeathed for the use of any
particular county or any school district, shall be
held in trust by the Board of County School Com-
missioners for the benefit of such county or school
district ; and such grants and bequests shall be
exempt from all State and county taxes.
Real and per-
sonal estate.
Sec. 5. Moneys invested prior to the passage of
this Act in trust for the benefit of the Public
Schools of any county or city, shall be exempt
from State, county and local taxation.
Money in-
Sec. 6. As soon as the Comptroller shall have
received from the city of Baltimore and the several
counties, returns of the amount of State school tax
levied in each county and the city of Baltimore, he
shall immediately thereafter apportion the amount
of the whole levy, to the several counties and the
city of Baltimore, in proportion to their respective
population between the ages of five and twenty
years, and the State Treasurer shall, upon the
warrant of the Comptroller, pay over the amount
of the whole levy to the proper officers in the city
of Baltimore and the several counties authorized
to receive the same.
Duty of Comp-
Sec. 7. On the fifteenth day of June, the first
day of October, the first day of January, and the
fifteenth day of March, in each year, the Comp-
troller shall apportion the amount of school tax
received by the Treasurer among the several
counties and the city of Baltimore, in proportion
to the whole amount apportioned to each by the
State Treasurer ; and he shall notify the Board of
Trustees of the State Normal School, and the
Treasurer of each of the several Boards of
School Commissioners of the counties and the city
of Baltimore, of the amount of tax due to each
county and the city of Baltimore, on the several
days aforesaid, and the Treasurer shall pay the
several amounts within ten days after said notifi-
cation, upon the draft of the President and Secre-
tary of the several Boards of School Commissioners
Time of ap-