aforesaid ; provided, that no payment of said tax
shall be made to any county or the city of Balti-
more until after the organization of the several
Boards of County School Commissioners under
this law.
Sec. 8. When the levy of any year shall have
been collected, the Comptroller shall apportion
among the several counties and the city of Balti-
more the amount allowed on the levy for insol-
vencies and abatements, and shall transmit a
statement of the same to the Trustees of the State
Normal School.
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That all the sections of
the several Articles of the Code of Public General
and Local Laws relating to schools, inconsistent
with the provisions of this Act, and all Acts of
Assembly passed since the adoption of said volumes
of the Code, relating to schools, inconsistent with
the provisions of this Act, be and the same are
hereby repealed.
Time to take
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That this law shall
take effect on the first day of April, in the year
eighteen hundred and sixty-eight ; provided,
nevertheless, that the schools now in operation
may be continued under existing authorities until
their successors are duly appointed and qualified.
Approved March 30, 1868.