Colored Population.
SECTION 1. The total amount of taxes paid for
school purposes by the colored people of any
county, or in the city of Baltimore, together with
any donations that may be made for the purpose,
shall be set aside for the maintaining the schools
for colored children, which schools shall be con-
ducted under the direction of the Board of County
School Commissioners, or the Board of Commis-
sioners of Public Schools of the ciy of Baltimore,
and shall be subject to such rules and regula-
tions as said respective Boards shall prescribe.
Sources of Income.
SECTION 1. A State tax of ten cents on each one
hundred dollars of taxable property throughout
the State, shall be levied annually for the support
of the free Public Schools, and the Maryland State
Normal School, which tax shall be collected at the
same time and by the same agents as the general
State levy, and shall be paid into the Treasury of
the State, to be distributed by the Treasurer to
the Boards of School Commissioners of the city of
Baltimore, and the several counties. And the
Comptroller in making the distribution of the
several items of the free school fund shall appor-
tion to Wicomico county such portion of said fund
as it will be entitled to according to the several
laws regulating the distribution of said fund, and
the County Commissioners of Wicomico are hereby
authorized and required to provide for taking the
census of laid county, and such census shall be
certified to by the Comptroller on or before the
25th day of June, 1868.
Sec. 2. The Treasurer, on the warrant of the
Comptroller, shall pay as heretofore to each of the
counties, and the city of Baltimore, the propor-
tion of the free school fund to which such city or
county is entitled under the provisions of the laws
and resolutions existing at the time this Act is
adopted, and he shall pay the same to the Treas-
urer of the Board of School Commissioners of
Baltimore city, and of the several counties.