AN ACT to incorporate " The German Savings
Bank of Maryland."
SECTION 1. Se it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That Jacob Rudolph, Augustus
Wagner, William Werneburg, Emile O. Hartge,
William Sadtler, Alexander Wolf and Louis Pet-
zold, their successors and assigns, and all such
persons as shall become stockholders in the corpo-
ration hereby created, be, and they are hereby
created and constituted a body corporate by
the name and style of The German Savings
Bank of Maryland, and shall have succession, a
common seal, and shall be capable to sue and be
sued in any court of law or equity, to make by-
laws for the organization of the said bank, so that
the same be not contrary to the laws of this State
or of the United States, to appoint all necessary
servants and assistants, and may have, enjoy and
exercise all the powers necessary to carry out the
purposes of a Savings Bank.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted. That the capital of
the said corporation shall be two hundred thou-
sand dollars ($200,000), with liberty to increase
the same to one million dollars ($1,000,000), to be
procured in the manner hereinafter provided, and
divided into shares of one hundred dollars ($100)
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said Bank
shall have power to borrow money or receive
money on deposit and pay interest thereon, and to
loan the said money at any rate of interest not ex-
ceeding that now allowed by law, or to discount
in accordance with bank usage, taking such secu-
rity therefor, either real or personal, as the Board
of Directors of said Bank may deem sufficient ;
may buy and sell exchange bills, notes, bonds or
other securities ; may accept and hold all such
trusts as shall or may be committed to it by any
person, or by the order and direction of any
Judge or any court or tribunal ; may make such
special regulations in reference to trust funds, de-
posits or savings left for safe keeping as shall