best aid the parties interested, allowing and re-
ceiving such interest therefor, not greater than that
hereinbefore specified, as may be agreed on ; may
purchase annuities, issue letters of credit and
other commercial obligations, provided the same
shall not be in the similitude of bank notes, or
other evidences of debt designed to circulate as
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful
for the Bank hereby incorporated to purchase and
hold real and personal estate, and to take and
hold real and personal estate as security for loans
and debts due to the said bank.
Real and per-
sonal estate.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the affairs of
this Bank shall be managed by a Board of Di-
rectors of at least eleven, who shall be elected
from among those stockholders who shall hold
stock to the extent of at least five thousand dol-
lars each ; their election shall take place when
one hundred thousand dollars shall have been
subscribed and. five per cent, paid thereon. Any
three of the corporators herein named shall be
Commissioners to open books for subscription,
which shall be done within twelve months from
the passage of this Act. The money so received
by the Commissioners shall be paid over to the
Board of Directors. The Directors shall elect a
President from their own body annually, and
make such by-laws as may be necessary for the
prosecution of the business of the bank.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the election of
President of this Bank shall be held annually at
the Bank, and the Board shall give at least ten
days notice thereof to the stockholders ; every
election shall be by ballot, and the plurality of
votes shall elect. Every stockholder shall be en-
titled to one vote for every share of the capital
stock standing in his name on the books of the
Bank, and he may vote in person or by proxy.
Any omission to elect the Directors shall not im-
pair the rights of stockholders, depositors or others
Sec. 7. And be it enacted. That within sixty days
after the election of the first Board of Directors,
the said Board shall call in an additional sum of