mentioned in the grant or deed, or whether by the loss of bounda-
ries called for the person seized is confined to course and distance,)
and any person seized of the reversion or remainder on an estate
for life or lives therein, may apply by petition in writing to the
county court for a commission to mark and bound such land, agree-
ably to the directions of this act — 1786, ch. 33, sec, 2, .
The county courts empowered to issue commissions for marking and
bounding lands held by lessees for life or for years, where the un-
expired term will amount to twenty-one years or upwards — 1808,
ch. 46, ............
Such person must give two months notice of his intention, by adver-
tisement set up at the court-house door of the county, and at the
doors of the churches and other houses of public worship in the
hundred where such land lies — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 2, ...
The land must be named or otherwise described, in the advertisement
—1786, ch. 33, sec. 2, .........
He must also, thirty days before the meeting of the court, give notice
in writing to the persons holding the adjoining lands, if residing
thereon, or if absent, must leave such notice at their houses — 1786,
ch. 33, sec. 2, . ,......
If no person lives on the adjoining lands, notice must be given four
successive weeks in the Baltimore and Annapolis newspapers —
1766, ch. 33, sec. 2, . . . . . .
He must also give personal notice to the owner of the adjoining land,
or to his agent or attorney, if known and in the state, thirty days
before the meeting of the court -1786, ch. 33, sec. 2, .
The court on proof being made to their satisfaction that such adver-
tisements were duly set up and notice given, or on the other per-
sons interested appearing, may issue a commission to any five or
three persons, agreed on by all parties, empowering them to mark
and hound the land therein mentioned, according to the directions
of this act— 1786, ch. 33, sec. 2, .......
If any of the persons interested should not agree upon commissioners,
the court shall appoint three or five persons, .skilled in land affairs,
not interested or related to either of the parties, to whom a com-
mission shall issue — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 2,
Where divers persons hold separate parts of the same tract, they, or
any of them, may have a commission to mark and bound the whole
tract, and their particular parts thereof — 1786, ch, 33, sec. 8,
A person holding a younger survey, and thereby interested in the lo-
cation of interfering or neighbouring elder surveys, shall have a
commission to mark and bound such elder surveys, to have the
same effect as if he had been seized thereof — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 8,
Provided such person shall give notice in writing to the person seized
of such elder tract of his intention nine months before the petition,
and the person seized of the elder tract shall have neglected to ob-
tain a commission — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 8, .....
Where the same tract is held by different persons, and lies partly in
one county and partly in another, a commission may be obtained to