mark and bound the whole tract, and the particular part of the ap-
plicant— 1793, ch. 70, sec. 4, .......
When any tract shall lie partly in this state, and partly in an adjoin-
ing slate, a citizen of this or any other state may obtain a commis-
sion to mark and bound the part within this slate — 1793, ch. 70,
sec. 4, ...........
Such commissions to have the same effect as if the land had been
wholly in one county, or in this state — 1793, ch. 70, sec. 4, .
A commission may issue on application, notice, &,c. to mark and bound
land held by bodies politic and corporate — Nov. 1787, ch. 22,
Directions for the commissioners to give notice and to meet to execute
the commission, after taking the oath therein prescribed — 1766,
ch. 33, sec. 3, . .
Manner of summoning and compelling the attendance of witnesses,
and administering an oath to them on taking their testimony —
1786, ch. 33, sec. 4, .........
The commissioners may cause the land mentioned in the said commis-
sion, as well as any other lands they may think proper, to be sur-
veyed by the surveyor of the county, or any other whom they
may appoint — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 4, ......
They may administer an oath or affirmation to the surveyor and chain-
carrier, to execute their respective duties — 1793, ch. 70, sec. 2,
They, or any two of them, may adjourn from time to time — 1786,
ch. 33, sec. 4, . .
They, or the majority of them, or the major part of such mnjority met,
concurring in opinion, may and shall cause the land mentioned in
such commission to be marked in the lines where convenient, and
shall mark or set up boundaries at the termination of the lines,
when course and distance only are given, according to their adjudi-
cation and adjustment of the location thereof — 1786, ch. 33, sec. 4,
They shall return a certificate of such marked lines and boundaries to
the court, under their hands, which return shall be received and
recorded in the records of such county, unless the court shall
otherwise order because of ill behaviour of the commissioners —
1786, ch. 33, sec. 4, .........
They may summon and compel the attendance of witnesses to prove
boundaries which are desired to be perpetuated, and may take de-
positions, and return them with their proceedings, \vhich shall be
as good evidence as if a commission for that purpose had issued
under the act of 1723, ch. 8—1793, ch. 70, sec. 2,
The commissioners may apply to the county clerks for attachments
against such witnesses not attending — 1793, ch. 70, sec. 3, .
The marking and bounding such land, and the record thereof, shall
be conclusive evidence of the original location, both as to the
direction and termination of the lines, in case no suit shall be
brought within five years from the recording such return to call in
question the adjudication— 1786, ch. 33, sec. 5, ....
Where the adjudication shall be confirmed by the verdict of a jury, it