rules and practice in chancery, any defect in form, &c. notwith-
standing — 1723, ch. 8, sec. 3, ....
The commissioners so appointed shall affix public notice at the parish
church where the land lies, intimating the time and intention of
their meeting, three Sundays at least before such meeting, and the
like notice shall be put up at the most public places of the county
twenty days before such meeting — 1723, ch. 8, sec. 4,
Where any person known to be interested lives out of the county, a
like notice shall be fixed at the church door of the parish wherein
such party resides, forty days before such meeting — 1723, ch. 8,
sec. 4, ...........
The commissioners shall return a certificate of such notice having been
given, together with the examination of the witnesses — 1723, ch.
8, sec. 4, ...........
The commissioners and evidences shall have the same allowance as
justices and evidences in the county courts, to be levied in the same
manner as officers' fees — 1723, ch. 8, sec. 6, .
All that part of .the act of 1723, ch. 8, requiring the commissioners to
affix public notice at the parish chuch, repealed — 1815, ch. 141, .
The commissioners under the act for marking and bounding lands may
summon and compel the attendance of witnesses to prove bounda-
ries which are desired to he perpetuated, and may take depositions,
and return them, with their proceedings, which shall be as good
evidence as if a commission for that purpose had issued under the
act of 1723, ch. 8—1793, ch. 70, sec. 2,
The act to establish a mode to perpetuate testimony not to extend to
proving the boundaries of land, or to alter the law for that purpose
—July, 1779, ch. 8, sec. 4, .......
The surveyor may insert in any certificate any boundary, artificial or
natural, as being at the end of the distance expressed, provided he
shall actually measure such distance — Nov. 1781, ch. 20, sec. 14,
In case the length of the line expressed in such certificate shall not
reach the boundary, and the line shall not have been actually run,
on caveat against grant issuing on such survey, the same shall be
void, so far as that the land which is excluded by running from the
end of the course and distance to the end of the next course and
distance, or to the nrxt boundary, if any, shall be liable to be affected
as vacancy — 1781, ch. 20, sec. 14, ......
Every surveyor before he enters on the execution of his office, shall
swear or affirm, that he will not mention any boundary in his cer-
tificate of any survey, unless he shall actually run and measure the
distance to such boundary, and that the boundary or boundaries by
him returned shall be at the end of the line as expressed, and that
the certificate docs not contain more land than certified by him, to
the best of his knowledge and belief— 1781, ch. 20, sec. 14, .
Any person seized of lands held under courses and distances only, as
to any of the lines thereof, (whether courses and distances only are