See 'Charles County,' title 'Register,' ante page 1861.
AN ACT relating to Public Roads in this State, and to repeal the Acts of
Assembly therein mentioned.— 1794, ch. 52.
See 'Allegany County,' title 'Public Roads,' ante page 1333.
1804, ch. 9, merged in 1831, ch. 153.
AN ACT to provide for the repair of Public Roads in Montgomery County
1826, ch. 227.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland
That Montgomery county be, and the same hereby is laid off
into road districts, consisting of the same number and bounded
in the same manner as the election districts now are or here-
after may be.
SEC. 2, 6, 7, 10. Repealed by 1828, ch. 115, sec. 5.
County laid
off into road
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the
supervisor of the several districts to keep the public roads of
the district, for which he is appointed, in good repair, by com-
mencing annually in the month of May to repair them in the
following manner : He shall provide himself with a strong
plough, and three horses, or two yoke of oxen, and a dirt
scoop or scraper, the latter implement to be furnished at the
expense of, and to belong to, the county, and he is hereby
prohibited from using any implement at present in use for
the repair of roads in said county, for which the plough and
scraper can advantageously be substituted, nor shall he employ
any labourers incompetent to the management of the plough or
scoop, except in such places where such implements cannot
be advantageously used; on all declivities he shall construct
break-waters or mounds, for breaking or stopping the progress
of the water, and diverting it from the roads, constructing them
not more than fifty feet from the summit, nor more than two
hundred feet from each other, and making them in the follow-
ing manner : An excavation of from two to four feet in width,
and from one to two feet in depth, shall be made across the
road, or in form of the segment of a circle, and filled with
broken stone, which shall be elevated one foot above the sur-
face of the road, and covered to the depth of six inches with
earth ; he shall remove from the road all loose stone, and shall
in no instance throw stone into the routs ; he shall, in low
grounds, if practicable, throw the road up in a ridge with the
plough and scraper, and make a drain on either side; in
marshy and wet places stone may be used to give the road an
elevation above the adjacent moist ground, or for the purpose
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