and education of boys and young men in the higher branches
of learning, and in the arts and sciences, and for their physi-
cal and moral training and improvement, as well as the train-
ing of their minds.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said corporation may con-
struct all necessary buildings in addition to the buildings it
now owns and possesses, and hold and in every legal manner
use and enjoy said buildings, and all lands, tenements, here-
ditaments, money, goods, chattels and choses in action which
it already owns and possesses, or which it may acquire or re-
ceive hereafter by gift, donation, devise, subscription, con-
tract or purchase; provided, the said corporation shall not at
any time hold property exceeding in value the sum of four
hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and not yielding an an-
nual income exceeding fourteen thousand dollars, and the
said corporation may sell, exchange and convey such of its
estates as to it may be deemed best.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That said corporation shall have perpetual succession
and a corporate seal, which it may alter or amend at its
pleasure, and in its corporate name may sue and be sued, con-
tract or be contracted with, and may adopt such by-laws and
make such regulations for the transaction of its business and
for the government of all persons and things under its au-
thority for the management of its estate and the due orderly
conduct of its affairs, as may be requisite and necessary, and
as are not inconsistent with the laws of the State of Maryland
and of the United States.
Perpetual suc-
Power granted
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said corporation may
not only conduct its college in Baltimore County but else-
where throughout the State of Maryland, and may establish
branch schools or branch colleges in other parts of the State,
and may employ such professors and teachers as may be
deemed necessary for the accomplishments of its purposes,
and may confer upon the graduates of the aforesaid college,
or upon others, such diplomas, honors and degrees as may to
it seem proper.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the officers of the said cor-
poration shall consist of a president, vice-president, secretary
and treasurer, and such other officers as may be designated
in the by-laws, and a board of trustees of not less than three
nor more than thirteen members. The said board of trustees
to be selected by the members of the corporation, and all the
officers of the corporation, with the exception of the president
and treasurer, shall be selected by the board of trustees. The
Authority to