Commissioners thus appointed from each district shall consti-
tute a Board of Road Commissioners, one of whom shall be
elected by said board to act as chairman. The commission-
ers thus appointed shall each give bond to the County Com-
missioners, properly conditioned, for the faithful performance
of their duties in the penal sum of one thousand dollars.
Shall give
Sec. 189. The Road Commissioners so appointed shall,
within ten days after receiving- notice of their appointment,
and having taken the oath of office, proceed to organize their
respective board, and shall meet for the transaction of busi-
ness at such time and place as they may determine, and when
called upon by the chairman, and they shall divide their
respective districts into sub-districts as nearly in extent as
practicable, and to assign to each commissioner the sub-dis-
trict over which he shall have special supervision.
Shall organize
for business.
Sec. 190. The Road Commissioners so appointed are hereby
required to adopt such system for the repairs and improve-
ments of the roads in their respective districts as said board
may deem best, having just called for and received from the
Baltimore County Roads Engineer, hereafter mentioned, a
written report, stating what system he advises in the said dis-
tricts; provided, however, that no Road Commissioner shall
have any pecuniary interest in any contract, and shall furnish
no team for any work, unless authorized by the County Com-
missioners, in writing, and provided further, that such system
shall require at least two-thirds of the road tax to be expended
in macadamizing the roads with stone or other material .
Shall adopt
system for
repairs and
Sec. 191. The Road Commissioners shall keep books show-
ing in detail the expenditure on each road in their respective
districts, including the cost of all material used on the roads,
and the labor expended, which books shall be open to the in-
spection of the County Commissioners, the Baltimore County
Roads Engineer and any taxpayer of Baltimore County, and
before making any repairs or improvements on any road cost-
ing more than one hundred dollars, they shall ask for and re-
ceive from the said engineer plans and specifications for such
on each road,
proposed repairs and improvements, and before purchasing
stone in quantities of more than one hundred perches they
shall submit to the State Geologist, through the said engineer,
specimens of the stone offered to them for use on the roads,
and receive a written report from said State Geologist, giving
the merits of said stone, and on or before the tenth day of Jan-
uary in each year they shall submit to the Baltimore County
Roads Engineer a written report covering the following points:
before pur-
chasing stone,