Informed of the Designed names of Such manners or Honours before the
Scituation or bounds of Such Manners have been reduced to Any Certainty
or any Survey thereof made. We find that the said Mannor of Pangaia Con-
tains about Six thousand Acres Exclusive of the Said Seven Hundd and fifty
Acres Called Durham And We find that the said Tract of Land Called Bar-
bados Contains four thousand five Hundd and forty Acres of Land Exclusive
of the said Seven Hundd and fifty Acres. We find that the Ricitals in the
Grant of four Hundred Acres to Elianor Beane Daughter of Walter Beane
Vizt: That the Widdow of the said Walter had Surrendred the Grant of the
25o Called Durham [793] Into the Secretaries office to be vacated are false
And that the Said Grant was Not Surrendred otherwise than as mentioned
in the Proceedings Upon the Scire facias. We find that the said Elianor
Beane when the Grant of the Said four hunda Acres was made was an Infant
of Nine Years of Age that the Said four Hundd Acres is not half So valuable
as the said 750 Acres We find that the Said Elianor when She Arrived to the
Age of Twenty One Years nor at any time after Did Not Agree to the said
Grant Nor Accept of the Land therin Mentioned that Appears to Us And
that the Now Defendant hath always Disclaimed and Still Doth Disclaim
the Same We find that Severall Tracts of Land lye within the Reputed
Bounds of the said Mannor of Panguaya And were Granted long after the
Survey of the 750 Acres Called Durham which were not Granted as part of
the said Mannor But According to the Conditions of Plantations already
Mentioned are Still Held and Enjoyed by the Grantees and these who have
their Estates by and Under their originall Grants Vizt: a Tract of Land
Called Lampton Containing one Hundred and fifty Acres Granted the tenth
Day of May Anno Dom: 1685 to Mark Lampton A Tract Called St Mathews
Containing one thousand Acres Granted the twelfth Day of May Anno Dom
1664 to Thomas Mathews One Tract Called Greens Inheritance Containing
Two thousand four Hundd Acres Surveyed the first Day of October 1666 for
Leonard Robert and Fracis [sic] Green. And if Upon the Whole matter the
Law be with the Plantiff We find for the Plantiff. But if the Law be with
the Defendant We find for the Defendt And Pray the Advice of the Court.
Whereupon all and Singular the premisses being by the Court here Seen
heard and fully Understood and Mature Deliberation being thereupon had.
For that it Seems to the Court of the Lord Proprietor here Upon the whole
matter Afsd in form afsd found, that the Afsd Plantiff hath not a Good Title
in Law to the Land in Dispute, And that the Defendant is not Guilty of the
Trespass and Ejectment in the Declaration afsa Sett forth. Therefore it is
Considered by the justices here that the Said Thomas Nelson Lessee of the
said John Diggs take Nothing by his Writt aforesd But be in mercy for his
false Clamour And that the Said John Beale go thereof without Day, And
also it is Considered that the Said Jno Beale recover against the Said John
Diggs the Lessor the Sum of Two thousand three Hundred pounds of To-